
Database structure for holding statistics by day, week, month, year(用于按日、周、月、年保存统计数据的数据库结构)
Should I always prefer MySQL InnoDB over MyISAM?(我应该总是更喜欢 MySQL InnoDB 而不是 MyISAM?)
How to store phone numbers on MySQL databases?(如何在 MySQL 数据库中存储电话号码?)
Relationship of Primary Key and Clustered Index(主键与聚集索引的关系)
Best way to store working hours and query it efficiently(存储工作时间和高效查询的最佳方式)
First-time database design: am I overengineering?(首次数据库设计:我是否过度设计?)
Inventory management with stock options(带有股票期权的库存管理)
MySQL Relationships(MySQL 关系)
SQL Server, can#39;t insert null into primary key field?(SQL Server,不能在主键字段中插入空值?)
Is there a severe performance hit for using Foreign Keys in SQL Server?(在 SQL Server 中使用外键是否会严重影响性能?)
can we have a foreign key which is not a primary key in any other table?(我们可以有一个不是任何其他表中的主键的外键吗?)
Unique identifier (guid) as primary key in database design(唯一标识符(guid)作为数据库设计中的主键)