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      1. <tfoot id='oHbcc'></tfoot>
      2. 在 Android 设备上分组 Firebase FCM

        Group Firebase FCM on Android Device(在 Android 设备上分组 Firebase FCM)
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                • 本文介绍了在 Android 设备上分组 Firebase FCM的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试使用 Firebase 控制台发送云消息.我正在为 android 设备执行此操作.

                  I am trying to send cloud messages using the Firebase console. I am doing this for android device.


                  The push notifications do appear on the device fine along with the data sent with it.

                  但每个通知都会单独显示.这意味着如果我发送 3 个通知,通知栏中会显示三个项目.

                  But each notification shows up on its own. Meaning if I send 3 notifications three items show up in the notification bar.

                  我想要实现的是将所有通知分组在一个标题下.正如您在 WhatsApp 或 Facebook 中所做的那样.

                  What I want to achieve is that all the notifications to be grouped under one heading. As you have in WhatsApp or Facebook.

                  如何使用 Firebase 控制台实现这一点?

                  How can this be achieved using the Firebase Console?


                  分组通知,你的意思是 stacking 还是 捆绑通知?

                  By grouping the notification, do you mean stacking or bundling notifications?

                  如果是这样,这实际上取决于您在客户端应用程序中处理通知的方式.您只需使用 setGroup() 将所有通知添加到单个组,然后调用 notify() 来让 NotificationManager 进行更改.

                  If so, this is actually depends on how you handle notifications in your client app. You simply have to make use of the setGroup() to add all your notifications to a single group then calling notify() to let the NotificationManager of the changes.

                  这个将每个通知添加到组 文档很漂亮很多总结了这一切.

                  This Add Each Notification to a Group documentation pretty much sums it all up.

                  这篇关于在 Android 设备上分组 Firebase FCM的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  When does a FCM token expire?(FCM 令牌何时到期?)
                  Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) - Launch Activity when user clicks the notification with extras(Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) - 当用户点击带有附加功能的通知时启动活动)
                  Implement Firebase inside of a Library(在库中实现 Firebase)
                  Firebase Backward compatibility with GCM(Firebase 与 GCM 的向后兼容性)
                  Receiving the FCM notifications multiple times on Nougat(在 Nougat 上多次接收 FCM 通知)
                  Push Notifications are delivered but didReceiveRemoteNotification is never called Swift(推送通知已交付,但 didReceiveRemoteNotification 从未被称为 Swift)
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