Return array, not object from Doctrine query - Symfony2(返回数组,而不是来自 Doctrine 查询的对象 - Symfony2)
Creating a one to many polymorphic relationship with doctrine(使用教义创建一对多的多态关系)
Doctrine_Core::getTable()-gt;findAll() how to specify order?(Doctrine_Core::getTable()-findAll() 如何指定顺序?)
symfony2 dynamic database connection using doctrine(symfony2 动态数据库连接使用学说)
Testing database insert using Symfony(使用 Symfony 测试数据库插入)
Doctrine Query Builder using Array(Doctrine Query Builder 使用数组)
Symfony2 Doctrine get random product from a category(Symfony2 Doctrine 从一个类别中获取随机产品)
Doctrine - how to get the SQL INSERT query, in the postSave() event?(Doctrine - 如何在 postSave() 事件中获取 SQL INSERT 查询?)
How can I use regular expressions with Doctrine#39;s Mongodb ODM?(如何在 Doctrine 的 Mongodb ODM 中使用正则表达式?)
How to access old values on PrePersist LifecycleCallback in Doctrine2(如何在 Doctrine2 中访问 PrePersist LifecycleCallback 上的旧值)
PHP json_decode integers and floats to string(PHP json_decode 整数和浮点数到字符串)
Check if a String Ends with a Number in PHP(检查字符串是否以 PHP 中的数字结尾)