
Replace Add to cart button on Woocommerce Single Product Pages for a product category(将 Woocommerce 单个产品页面上的添加到购物车按钮替换为产品类别)
Set product custom field and display value in cart, checkout and view order(在购物车、结帐和查看订单中设置产品自定义字段和显示值)
Add tax free fees to WooCommerce cart programmatically(以编程方式向 WooCommerce 购物车添加免税费用)
Set WooCommerce order status when order is created from processing to pending(创建订单从处理到待处理时设置 WooCommerce 订单状态)
Add custom content to WooCommerce product description(将自定义内容添加到 WooCommerce 产品描述)
Add Attributes to Short Description in WooCommerce 3.0+(在 WooCommerce 3.0+ 中为简短描述添加属性)
How to make 5 random numbers with sum of 100(如何制作5个总和为100的随机数)
Algorithm for generating a random number(生成随机数的算法)
What#39;s the disadvantage of mt_rand?(mt_rand 的缺点是什么?)
What is the best way to generate a random key within PHP?(在 PHP 中生成随机密钥的最佳方法是什么?)
How to create a random string using PHP?(如何使用 PHP 创建随机字符串?)
How to generate random 64-bit value as decimal string in PHP(如何在 PHP 中生成随机 64 位值作为十进制字符串)