Can#39;t re-index new products after upgrading to version 1.6(升级到 1.6 版后无法重新索引新产品)
Magento Session from external page (same domain)(来自外部页面的 Magento 会话(同域))
How to update the attribute options programmatically in Magento?(如何在 Magento 中以编程方式更新属性选项?)
Magento: Mage::registry(#39;current_product#39;) efficient?(Magento:Mage::registry(current_product) 有效吗?)
how to get category name of current product (on product detail page) in magento(如何在 magento 中获取当前产品的类别名称(在产品详细信息页面上))
how to call a PHTML file within a CMS page Magento(如何在 CMS 页面 Magento 中调用 PHTML 文件)
is there a reason why Magento shouldn#39;t support uninstall/downgrade for modules(Magento 不支持模块的卸载/降级有什么原因吗)
Magento static pages menu(Magento 静态页面菜单)
Show product attributes in list.phtml - Magento(在 list.phtml 中显示产品属性 - Magento)
Magento get price including tax in a none-template file(Magento 在非模板文件中获取含税价格)
overriding a magento block in multiple modules (and how to ignore the other ones)(覆盖多个模块中的 magento 块(以及如何忽略其他模块))
Magento: How can I migrate configuration changes from development to production environment?(Magento:如何将配置更改从开发环境迁移到生产环境?)