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        How can a html table highlight columns by changing the border on hover?(html表格如何通过更改悬停边框来突出显示列?)

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                • 本文介绍了html表格如何通过更改悬停边框来突出显示列?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I'm exploring how to style a table in such a way that the border can be changed when the mouse hovers over a column.


                  When the mouse is over a column, I want to highlight that column by changing the border color:

                  为了突出显示,我在 jQuery 库中使用了以下 JavaScript 代码:

                  To highlight, I am using the following JavaScript code with the jQuery library:

                  $('td').hover(function() {
                      var t = parseInt($(this).index()) + 1;
                      $('td:nth-child(' + t + ')').addClass('highlighted');
                  function() {
                      var t = parseInt($(this).index()) + 1;
                      $('td:nth-child(' + t + ')').removeClass('highlighted');

                  使用以下 CSS:

                  .highlighted {
                      border-top: 2px solid black;
                      border-right: 2px solid black;
                      border-left: 2px solid black;

                  您可以在此 JSFiddle 中查看其工作原理:http://jsfiddle.net/sCFjj/1/这仅在我将鼠标悬停在最左侧的列上时才有效.否则,它会突出显示右列(和顶部),但不会突出显示左垂直列.有没有办法让左竖列出现?

                  You can view how this works in this JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/sCFjj/1/ This is only working when I hover on the left-most column. Otherwise it highlights the right-column (and top) but not the left vertical column. Is there a way of making the left-vertical column appear?

                  理想情况下,我希望效果忽略最低行,但我不确定如何从 jQuery 选择中排除一行.

                  Ideally, I would like the effect to ignore the lowest row, but I am not sure how to exclude a row from the jQuery selection.




                  Link: jsFiddle. Also add to previous collumn border-right and you will get that you want. I think that collumn's right border is over next collumn left border.



                  $('td').hover(function() {
                      var t = parseInt($(this).index()) + 1;
                      $('td:nth-child(' + t + ')').addClass('highlighted');
                          var t1 = t -1;
                          //alert("T:" + t + "<br/> T1:" + t1);
                          $('td:nth-child(' + t1 + ')').addClass('highlightedPrev');
                  function() {
                      var t = parseInt($(this).index()) + 1;
                      $('td:nth-child(' + t + ')').removeClass('highlighted ');
                           var t1 = t -1;
                           $('td:nth-child(' + t1 + ')').removeClass('highlightedPrev');


                  .highlighted {
                      border: 2px solid black;
                  .highlightedPrev {
                      border-right: 2px solid black;


                  Hope I solved your problem.




                  Move link image 5px up on hover(悬停时将链接图像向上移动 5px)
                  How do I inspect CSS pseudo classes with firebug?(如何使用 firebug 检查 CSS 伪类?)
                  Why doesn#39;t CSS hover work on table rows when the cells inside the rows have class names?(当行内的单元格具有类名时,为什么 CSS 悬停在表格行上不起作用?)
                  Hover image - display div over it(悬停图像 - 在其上显示 div)
                  How to apply a CSS class on hover to dynamically generated submit buttons?(如何在悬停时将 CSS 类应用于动态生成的提交按钮?)
                  Differences between CSS3 :hover and :focus?(CSS3 :hover 和 :focus 的区别?)

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