<legend id='A37tV'><style id='A37tV'><dir id='A37tV'><q id='A37tV'></q></dir></style></legend>
  • <tfoot id='A37tV'></tfoot>

      • <bdo id='A37tV'></bdo><ul id='A37tV'></ul>

        <small id='A37tV'></small><noframes id='A37tV'>

        <i id='A37tV'><tr id='A37tV'><dt id='A37tV'><q id='A37tV'><span id='A37tV'><b id='A37tV'><form id='A37tV'><ins id='A37tV'></ins><ul id='A37tV'></ul><sub id='A37tV'></sub></form><legend id='A37tV'></legend><bdo id='A37tV'><pre id='A37tV'><center id='A37tV'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='A37tV'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='A37tV'><tfoot id='A37tV'></tfoot><dl id='A37tV'><fieldset id='A37tV'></fieldset></dl></div>

        仅使用 css 菜单正确显示第三层子菜单

        Displaying third tier submenus properly with css only menu(仅使用 css 菜单正确显示第三层子菜单)

          <tbody id='suEMA'></tbody>
            <legend id='suEMA'><style id='suEMA'><dir id='suEMA'><q id='suEMA'></q></dir></style></legend>
            • <small id='suEMA'></small><noframes id='suEMA'>

                <bdo id='suEMA'></bdo><ul id='suEMA'></ul>
                <tfoot id='suEMA'></tfoot>
                <i id='suEMA'><tr id='suEMA'><dt id='suEMA'><q id='suEMA'><span id='suEMA'><b id='suEMA'><form id='suEMA'><ins id='suEMA'></ins><ul id='suEMA'></ul><sub id='suEMA'></sub></form><legend id='suEMA'></legend><bdo id='suEMA'><pre id='suEMA'><center id='suEMA'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='suEMA'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='suEMA'><tfoot id='suEMA'></tfoot><dl id='suEMA'><fieldset id='suEMA'></fieldset></dl></div>

                  本文介绍了仅使用 css 菜单正确显示第三层子菜单的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在开发一个新网站,但 css 菜单有问题.通过示例更容易解释:这是该站点的链接:http://www.webau.net/CSFF/index.asp

                  I am developing a new site, and am having problems with the css menu. It is easier to explain by example: Here is the link of the site: http://www.webau.net/CSFF/index.asp


                  Under the "Home" parent menu item, I have the following configuration:

                  Top level menu (parent)
                      Submenu 1 (child 1)
                          Submenu 2 (grandchild 1)
                      Submenu 3 (child 2)
                      Submenu 4 (child 3)

                  相反,它出现在这样的页面上,孙子 1 看起来取代了子 2 菜单:

                  Instead it appears on the page like this where the grandchild 1 looks like it takes the place of the child 2 menu:

                  Top level menu (parent)
                      Submenu 1 (child 1)
                      Submenu 2 (grandchild 1)
                      Submenu 4 (child 3)

                  我可以看到子菜单 2 的列表略有偏移.这让我认为这是试图不恰当地显示孙子.

                  I can see a slight offset on the listing of Submenu 2.. which makes me think it is an attempt to display the grandchild inappropriately.


                  So I am assuming I have two problems..

                  首先,当您将鼠标悬停在父菜单项上时,第三层菜单(孙子菜单 2)会同时显示第二层菜单(子子菜单 1、3、4).

                  First is that the third tier menu (grandchild submenu 2) is displaying at the same time the second tier menus (child submenus 1, 3, 4) display when you hover over the parent menu item.

                  其次,由于某种原因,孙子菜单 2 项正在取代子子菜单 3(位于其上).

                  And second is that for some reason the grandchild submenu 2 item is displacing (laying ontop of) the child submenu 3.


                  I think problem two will be fixed when I correct the display of the grandchild submenu.


                  Can someone help me figure out how to add new css code to deal with the third tier or multi- tier menus .. so they are hidden until their own parent is hovered, and to then display to the right of it's parent's submenu column?


                  Thanks again for your help. SunnyOz

                  为了您的方便:HTML 代码:

                  For your convenience: HTML Code:

                  <div id="navcontainer">
                      <div id="navsection">  
                              <li id="navactive"><a class="current" href="#">Home</a>
                                      <li><a href="#">submenu 1</a>
                                              <li><a href="#">submenu 2</a></li>
                                      <li><a href="#">submenu 3</a></li>
                                      <li><a href="#">submenu 4</a></li>
                              <li><... rest of menu items not needed for example>

                  CSS 代码:

                      width: 711px;
                      height: 25px;
                      text-align: center;
                      margin: 0px auto; /*Center container on page*/
                      clear: both;
                      background-color: #129F9F;
                      border: 3px solid #FFFFFF;
                      -moz-border-radius: 5px;
                      -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
                      -o-border-radius: 5px;
                      -ms-border-radius: 5px;
                      border-radius: 5px; 
                      /* IE10 Consumer Preview */ 
                      background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #16ACAC 0%, #0D6F6F 100%);
                      /* Mozilla Firefox */ 
                      background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #16ACAC 0%, #0D6F6F 100%);
                      /* Opera */ 
                      background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #16ACAC 0%, #0D6F6F 100%);
                      /* Webkit (Safari/Chrome 10) */ 
                      background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #16ACAC), color-stop(1, #0D6F6F));
                      /* Webkit (Chrome 11+) */ 
                      background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #16ACAC 0%, #0D6F6F 100%);
                      /* W3C Markup, IE10 Release Preview */ 
                      background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #16ACAC 0%, #0D6F6F 100%); 
                      height: 24px;
                      line-height: 24px;
                      font-size: 12px;
                      position: relative;
                  #navsection ul
                      padding: 0px 0px 0px 35px;  /* padding on left to get nav menu to center.. since it has a float left to make it display properly*/
                      list-style: none;
                  #navsection ul li
                      padding: 0;
                      margin: 0;
                      border-right: 2px solid #129F9F;
                      float: left;
                  #navsection ul li.navcontact  /* to stop right border at end of nav line */
                      padding: 0;
                      margin: 0;
                      border-right: none;
                      float: left;
                  #navsection ul li a
                      color: #FFF;
                      display: block;
                      text-decoration: none;
                      padding: 0 15px;
                  #navsection > ul > li > a:hover, #navsection  > ul > li:hover > a  
                      text-decoration: none;
                      color: #EAA339;
                      /* IE10 Consumer Preview */ 
                      background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #0D6F6F 0%, #16ACAC 100%);
                      /* Mozilla Firefox */ 
                      background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0D6F6F 0%, #16ACAC 100%);
                      /* Opera */ 
                      background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #0D6F6F 0%, #16ACAC 100%);
                      /* Webkit (Safari/Chrome 10) */ 
                      background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #0D6F6F), color-stop(1, #16ACAC));
                      /* Webkit (Chrome 11+) */ 
                      background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #0D6F6F 0%, #16ACAC 100%);
                      /* W3C Markup, IE10 Release Preview */ 
                      background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #0D6F6F 0%, #16ACAC 100%); 
                  #navsection > ul > li > a.current:hover, #navactive a.current:link, #navactive a:visited, #navactive > ul  li  a:hover, #navsection a:hover
                      text-decoration: none;
                      color: #EAA339;
                      /* IE10 Consumer Preview */ 
                      background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #0D6F6F 0%, #16ACAC 100%);
                      /* Mozilla Firefox */ 
                      background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0D6F6F 0%, #16ACAC 100%);
                      /* Opera */ 
                      background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #0D6F6F 0%, #16ACAC 100%);
                      /* Webkit (Safari/Chrome 10) */ 
                      background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #0D6F6F), color-stop(1, #16ACAC));
                      /* Webkit (Chrome 11+) */ 
                      background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #0D6F6F 0%, #16ACAC 100%);
                      /* W3C Markup, IE10 Release Preview */ 
                      background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #0D6F6F 0%, #16ACAC 100%); 
                  #navsection ul li ul
                      display: none;
                      width: auto;
                      position: absolute;
                      padding: 0px;
                      margin: 0px;
                  #navsection ul li:hover ul
                      display: block;
                      position: absolute;
                      margin: 0;
                      padding: 0;
                  #navsection ul li:hover li
                      float: none;
                      list-style: none;
                      margin: 0px;
                  #navsection ul li:hover li
                      font-size: 12px;
                      height: 24px;
                      background: #54C4C4;
                      border: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
                      -moz-border-radius: 5px;
                      -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
                      -o-border-radius: 5px;
                      -ms-border-radius: 5px;
                      border-radius: 5px; 
                  #navsection ul li:hover li a
                      font-size: 11px;
                      color: #fff;
                      padding: 0px;
                      display: block;
                      width: 150px;
                  #navsection ul li li a:hover
                      font-size: 11px;
                      height: 24px;
                      -moz-border-radius: 5px;
                      -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
                      -o-border-radius: 5px;
                      -ms-border-radius: 5px;
                      border-radius: 5px; 



                  1. 您正在显示悬停在 <li/> 下方的所有 <ul/> 元素.将 #navsection ul li:hover ul 更改为 #navsection ul li:hover >ul 仅选择直接子节点

                  1. You are displaying all <ul/> elements that exist below a hovered <li/>. Change #navsection ul li:hover ul to #navsection ul li:hover > ul to select the immediate child only

                  您将每个掉落级别的位置设置为相同.尝试添加类似 #navsection ul ul ul { top: 1em;左:140px;},这将阻止孙子遮挡孩子.

                  You are setting the position of each drop level to be the same. Try adding something like #navsection ul ul ul { top: 1em; left: 140px; }, this will stop the grandchild obscuring the child.

                  您的 title 属性会对您的导航产生负面影响.我会完全删除它们,因为它们不会向链接添加任何真正有用的信息并且会模糊菜单项,从而使导航难以使用.

                  You're title attributes are negatively affecting your navigation. I'd remove them entirely as they do not add any real beneficial information to the link and obscure the menu items making the navigation difficult to use.


                  这篇关于仅使用 css 菜单正确显示第三层子菜单的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Move link image 5px up on hover(悬停时将链接图像向上移动 5px)
                  How do I inspect CSS pseudo classes with firebug?(如何使用 firebug 检查 CSS 伪类?)
                  Why doesn#39;t CSS hover work on table rows when the cells inside the rows have class names?(当行内的单元格具有类名时,为什么 CSS 悬停在表格行上不起作用?)
                  Hover image - display div over it(悬停图像 - 在其上显示 div)
                  How to apply a CSS class on hover to dynamically generated submit buttons?(如何在悬停时将 CSS 类应用于动态生成的提交按钮?)
                  Differences between CSS3 :hover and :focus?(CSS3 :hover 和 :focus 的区别?)
                  • <bdo id='Dn8BQ'></bdo><ul id='Dn8BQ'></ul>

                      <tbody id='Dn8BQ'></tbody>

                  • <legend id='Dn8BQ'><style id='Dn8BQ'><dir id='Dn8BQ'><q id='Dn8BQ'></q></dir></style></legend>

                      <small id='Dn8BQ'></small><noframes id='Dn8BQ'>

                          1. <i id='Dn8BQ'><tr id='Dn8BQ'><dt id='Dn8BQ'><q id='Dn8BQ'><span id='Dn8BQ'><b id='Dn8BQ'><form id='Dn8BQ'><ins id='Dn8BQ'></ins><ul id='Dn8BQ'></ul><sub id='Dn8BQ'></sub></form><legend id='Dn8BQ'></legend><bdo id='Dn8BQ'><pre id='Dn8BQ'><center id='Dn8BQ'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='Dn8BQ'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='Dn8BQ'><tfoot id='Dn8BQ'></tfoot><dl id='Dn8BQ'><fieldset id='Dn8BQ'></fieldset></dl></div>
                          2. <tfoot id='Dn8BQ'></tfoot>