const int n = 100000;for (int j = 0; j
此循环通过另一个外部 for
循环执行 10,000 次.为了加快速度,我将代码更改为:
for (int j = 0; j
这意味着您在每个循环中的所有访问都将落在相同的缓存方式上.然而,英特尔处理器已经有一段时间具有 8 路 L1 缓存关联性.但实际上,性能并不完全一致.访问 4 路仍然比说 2 路慢.
int main(){const int n = 100000;#ifdef ALLOCATE_SEPERATEdouble *a1 = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));double *b1 = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));double *c1 = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));double *d1 = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));#别的double *a1 = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double) * 4);双*b1 = a1 + n;双*c1 = b1 + n;双*d1 = c1 + n;#万一//将数据归零以防止任何异常的机会.memset(a1,0,n * sizeof(double));memset(b1,0,n * sizeof(double));memset(c1,0,n * sizeof(double));memset(d1,0,n * sizeof(double));//打印地址cout<<a1<<结束;cout<<b1<<结束;cout<<c1<<结束;cout<<d1<<结束;时钟_t开始=时钟();int c = 0;而 (c++ < 10000){#if ONE_LOOPfor(int j=0;j
实际 Core 2 架构机器上的结果:
2 个英特尔至强 X5482 Harpertown @ 3.2 GHz:
#define ALLOCATE_SEPERATE#define ONE_LOOP00600020006D0020007A002000870020秒 = 6.206#define ALLOCATE_SEPERATE//#定义ONE_LOOP005E0020006B00200078002000850020秒 = 2.116//#define ALLOCATE_SEPERATE#define ONE_LOOP0057002000633520006F6A20007B9F20秒 = 1.894//#define ALLOCATE_SEPERATE//#定义ONE_LOOP008C00200098352000A46A2000B09F20秒 = 1.993
6.206 秒(一个循环)和 2.116 秒(两个循环).这完全再现了 OP 的结果.
正如@Stephen Cannon 在评论中指出的那样,这种对齐很可能导致加载/存储单元或缓存中的错误别名.我在谷歌上搜索了一下,发现英特尔实际上有一个用于部分地址别名停顿的硬件计数器:
5 个区域 - 说明
区域 1:
区域 2:
我不确定这里到底发生了什么......正如 Agner Fog 提到的那样,对齐仍然可以发挥作用 缓存组冲突.(那个链接是关于 Sandy Bridge 的,但这个想法应该仍然适用于 Core 2.)
区域 3:
此时,数据不再适合 L1 缓存.因此,性能受到 L1 <-> 的限制.二级缓存带宽.
区域 4:
然而,为了发生假混叠,数据集之间必须有足够大的步幅.这就是为什么您在区域 3 中看不到这一点.
区域 5:
Suppose a1
, b1
, c1
, and d1
point to heap memory, and my numerical code has the following core loop.
const int n = 100000;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
a1[j] += b1[j];
c1[j] += d1[j];
This loop is executed 10,000 times via another outer for
loop. To speed it up, I changed the code to:
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
a1[j] += b1[j];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
c1[j] += d1[j];
Compiled on Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0 with full optimization and SSE2 enabled for 32-bit on a Intel Core 2 Duo (x64), the first example takes 5.5 seconds and the double-loop example takes only 1.9 seconds.
Disassembly for the first loop basically looks like this (this block is repeated about five times in the full program):
movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [edx+18h]
addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [ecx+20h]
movsd mmword ptr [ecx+20h],xmm0
movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [esi+10h]
addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [eax+30h]
movsd mmword ptr [eax+30h],xmm0
movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [edx+20h]
addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [ecx+28h]
movsd mmword ptr [ecx+28h],xmm0
movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [esi+18h]
addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [eax+38h]
Each loop of the double loop example produces this code (the following block is repeated about three times):
addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [eax+28h]
movsd mmword ptr [eax+28h],xmm0
movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [ecx+20h]
addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [eax+30h]
movsd mmword ptr [eax+30h],xmm0
movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [ecx+28h]
addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [eax+38h]
movsd mmword ptr [eax+38h],xmm0
movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [ecx+30h]
addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [eax+40h]
movsd mmword ptr [eax+40h],xmm0
The question turned out to be of no relevance, as the behavior severely depends on the sizes of the arrays (n) and the CPU cache. So if there is further interest, I rephrase the question:
Could you provide some solid insight into the details that lead to the different cache behaviors as illustrated by the five regions on the following graph?
It might also be interesting to point out the differences between CPU/cache architectures, by providing a similar graph for these CPUs.
Here is the full code. It uses TBB Tick_Count
for higher resolution timing, which can be disabled by not defining the TBB_TIMING
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
//#define TBB_TIMING
#include <tbb/tick_count.h>
using tbb::tick_count;
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
//#define preallocate_memory new_cont
enum { new_cont, new_sep };
double *a1, *b1, *c1, *d1;
void allo(int cont, int n)
switch(cont) {
case new_cont:
a1 = new double[n*4];
b1 = a1 + n;
c1 = b1 + n;
d1 = c1 + n;
case new_sep:
a1 = new double[n];
b1 = new double[n];
c1 = new double[n];
d1 = new double[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
a1[i] = 1.0;
d1[i] = 1.0;
c1[i] = 1.0;
b1[i] = 1.0;
void ff(int cont)
case new_sep:
delete[] b1;
delete[] c1;
delete[] d1;
case new_cont:
delete[] a1;
double plain(int n, int m, int cont, int loops)
#ifndef preallocate_memory
tick_count t0 = tick_count::now();
clock_t start = clock();
if (loops == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
a1[j] += b1[j];
c1[j] += d1[j];
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
a1[j] += b1[j];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
c1[j] += d1[j];
double ret;
tick_count t1 = tick_count::now();
ret = 2.0*double(n)*double(m)/(t1-t0).seconds();
clock_t end = clock();
ret = 2.0*double(n)*double(m)/(double)(end - start) *double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
#ifndef preallocate_memory
return ret;
void main()
freopen("C:\test.csv", "w", stdout);
char *s = " ";
string na[2] ={"new_cont", "new_sep"};
cout << "n";
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
#ifdef preallocate_memory
cout << s << i << "_loops_" << na[preallocate_memory];
cout << s << i << "_loops_" << na[j];
cout << endl;
long long nmax = 1000000;
#ifdef preallocate_memory
allo(preallocate_memory, nmax);
for (long long n = 1L; n < nmax; n = max(n+1, long long(n*1.2)))
const long long m = 10000000/n;
cout << n;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
cout << s << plain(n, m, j, i);
cout << endl;
It shows FLOP/s for different values of n
Upon further analysis of this, I believe this is (at least partially) caused by the data alignment of the four-pointers. This will cause some level of cache bank/way conflicts.
If I've guessed correctly on how you are allocating your arrays, they are likely to be aligned to the page line.
This means that all your accesses in each loop will fall on the same cache way. However, Intel processors have had 8-way L1 cache associativity for a while. But in reality, the performance isn't completely uniform. Accessing 4-ways is still slower than say 2-ways.
EDIT: It does in fact look like you are allocating all the arrays separately. Usually when such large allocations are requested, the allocator will request fresh pages from the OS. Therefore, there is a high chance that large allocations will appear at the same offset from a page-boundary.
Here's the test code:
int main(){
const int n = 100000;
double *a1 = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
double *b1 = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
double *c1 = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
double *d1 = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
double *a1 = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double) * 4);
double *b1 = a1 + n;
double *c1 = b1 + n;
double *d1 = c1 + n;
// Zero the data to prevent any chance of denormals.
memset(a1,0,n * sizeof(double));
memset(b1,0,n * sizeof(double));
memset(c1,0,n * sizeof(double));
memset(d1,0,n * sizeof(double));
// Print the addresses
cout << a1 << endl;
cout << b1 << endl;
cout << c1 << endl;
cout << d1 << endl;
clock_t start = clock();
int c = 0;
while (c++ < 10000){
for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
a1[j] += b1[j];
c1[j] += d1[j];
for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
a1[j] += b1[j];
for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
c1[j] += d1[j];
clock_t end = clock();
cout << "seconds = " << (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
return 0;
Benchmark Results:
EDIT: Results on an actual Core 2 architecture machine:
2 x Intel Xeon X5482 Harpertown @ 3.2 GHz:
#define ONE_LOOP
seconds = 6.206
//#define ONE_LOOP
seconds = 2.116
#define ONE_LOOP
seconds = 1.894
//#define ONE_LOOP
seconds = 1.993
6.206 seconds with one loop and 2.116 seconds with two loops. This reproduces the OP's results exactly.
In the first two tests, the arrays are allocated separately. You'll notice that they all have the same alignment relative to the page.
In the second two tests, the arrays are packed together to break that alignment. Here you'll notice both loops are faster. Furthermore, the second (double) loop is now the slower one as you would normally expect.
As @Stephen Cannon points out in the comments, there is a very likely possibility that this alignment causes false aliasing in the load/store units or the cache. I Googled around for this and found that Intel actually has a hardware counter for partial address aliasing stalls:
5 Regions - Explanations
Region 1:
This one is easy. The dataset is so small that the performance is dominated by overhead like looping and branching.
Region 2:
Here, as the data sizes increase, the amount of relative overhead goes down and the performance "saturates". Here two loops is slower because it has twice as much loop and branching overhead.
I'm not sure exactly what's going on here... Alignment could still play an effect as Agner Fog mentions cache bank conflicts. (That link is about Sandy Bridge, but the idea should still be applicable to Core 2.)
Region 3:
At this point, the data no longer fits in the L1 cache. So performance is capped by the L1 <-> L2 cache bandwidth.
Region 4:
The performance drop in the single-loop is what we are observing. And as mentioned, this is due to the alignment which (most likely) causes false aliasing stalls in the processor load/store units.
However, in order for false aliasing to occur, there must be a large enough stride between the datasets. This is why you don't see this in region 3.
Region 5:
At this point, nothing fits in the cache. So you're bound by memory bandwidth.