自 C++17 以来,具有正确地址和类型的指针是否仍然始终是有效指针?

Is a pointer with the right address and type still always a valid pointer since C++17?(自 C++17 以来,具有正确地址和类型的指针是否仍然始终是有效指针?)


Could I ever want to access the address zero?(我可以想访问地址零吗?)
C++ Access derived class member from base class pointer(C++ 从基类指针访问派生类成员)
Weird Behaviour with const_cast(const_cast 的奇怪行为)
Are pointer variables just integers with some operators or are they quot;symbolicquot;?(指针变量只是带有某些运算符的整数还是“符号?)
Modifying a char *const string(修改 char *const 字符串)
Modifying a const int in C++(修改 C++ 中的 const int)