When using it without any options reduces the size of the executables, but how/what it does?
来自(Mac OS X,但其他类似)手册页:
From the (Mac OS X, but others are similar) man page:
strip 删除或修改附加到输出的符号表汇编器和链接编辑器.这对于节省空间很有用程序已调试并限制动态绑定符号.
strip removes or modifies the symbol table attached to the output of the assembler and link editor. This is useful to save space after a program has been debugged and to limit dynamically bound symbols.
Note the bit about "after a program has been debugged" because debugging a stripped executable is very hard, indeed. The "limit dynamically bound symbols" is a rarer use: it lets you make some of the functions in an external library inaccessible by taking away the index entries that tell where the actual code is located. This is also explained in the man page.
As cheap and plentiful as disk is in most situation you simply wouldn't bother with this anymore. But you might want it for space constrained situation like embeded devices, rescue disks, etc.
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