
How to query a running process for it#39;s parameters list? (windows, C++)(如何查询正在运行的进程的参数列表?(窗口,C++))


对于给定的 Windows 进程,我想知道它是用什么命令行参数启动的.例如,Windows 任务管理器能够显示这一点.

for a given windows process I want to know with what command line parameters it was started. The windows task manager is able to show that for example.



假设您知道进程 ID,请使用 OpenProcess 来处理它(这需要提升权限,如文档中所述).然后使用 NtQueryInformationProcess 获取详细的进程信息.使用 ProcessBasicInformation 选项获取 PEB 进程 - 这包含另一个结构指针,通过它你可以得到命令行.

Assuming you know the process ID, use OpenProcess to get a handle to it (this requires elevated privilege as noted in the docs). Then use NtQueryInformationProcess to get detailed process info. Use the ProcessBasicInformation option to get the PEB of the process - this contains another structure pointer, through which you canget the command line.




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