在 Windows 控制台中获取按键

Get key press in windows console(在 Windows 控制台中获取按键)
本文介绍了在 Windows 控制台中获取按键的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



I found this piece of code online:

CHAR getch() {
    DWORD mode, cc;
    HANDLE h = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE );

    if (h == NULL) {
        return 0; // console not found

    GetConsoleMode( h, &mode );
    SetConsoleMode( h, mode & ~(ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT) );
    TCHAR c = 0;
    ReadConsole( h, &c, 1, &cc, NULL );
    SetConsoleMode( h, mode );
    return c;


while(1) {
    TCHAR key = getch();

我能够获得数字、字母甚至返回键.但是我无法获得转义键或其他功能键,例如 control、alt.是否可以修改它以检测这些键?

I am able to get numeric, alphabetic even return key presses. But am not able to get escape or other functional keys like control, alt. Is it possible to modify it to detect also these keys?


如果控制和 alt 键之类的东西,这些是虚拟键击,它们是字符的补充.您将需要使用 ReadConsoleInput.但是你会得到这一切,鼠标也是.所以你真的需要过滤并从调用中返回一个结构,这样你就知道它是否是 ctrl-A Alt-A 之类的.如果您不想要,过滤器会重复.

If stuff like control and alt keys, these are virtual key strokes, they are supplements to characters. You will need to use ReadConsoleInput. But you will get it all, the mouse also. So you really need to filter and return a structure from the call so you know if it is the likes of ctrl-A Alt-A. Filter repeats if you don't want them.


This may need work, don't know what you are after...

bool getconchar( KEY_EVENT_RECORD& krec )
    DWORD cc;
    INPUT_RECORD irec;
    HANDLE h = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE );

    if (h == NULL)
        return false; // console not found

    for( ; ; )
        ReadConsoleInput( h, &irec, 1, &cc );
        if( irec.EventType == KEY_EVENT
            &&  ((KEY_EVENT_RECORD&)irec.Event).bKeyDown
            )//&& ! ((KEY_EVENT_RECORD&)irec.Event).wRepeatCount )
            krec= (KEY_EVENT_RECORD&)irec.Event;
            return true;
    return false; //future ????

int main( )
    for( ; ; )
        getconchar( key );
        std::cout << "key: " << key.uChar.AsciiChar
            << " code:  " << key.wVirtualKeyCode << std::endl;

ReadConsoleInput 函数




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