在 OpenCV 中使用 C++ 是否有与 Matlab 的 imadjust 等效的函数?

Is there any function equivalent to Matlab#39;s imadjust in OpenCV with C++?(在 OpenCV 中使用 C++ 是否有与 Matlab 的 imadjust 等效的函数?)
本文介绍了在 OpenCV 中使用 C++ 是否有与 Matlab 的 imadjust 等效的函数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我习惯于使用 imadjust 在 Matlab 中进行对比度增强.OpenCV 中是否有任何等效的功能?



I'm used to contrast enhancement in Matlab using imadjust. Is there any equivalent function in OpenCV?

A google search gives the OpenCV documentation on brightness and contrast enhancement but it uses for loops which might be inefficient. Even if we make it efficient by using Matrix expressions, it is not equivalent to what imadjust does.

Is there any in-built function in OpenCV or any efficient method for the task?

I saw related posts but either they link to the OpenCV doc I mentioned above or they suggest Histogram Equalization and thresholding. I prefer imadjust to histogram equalization and thresholding doesn't seem to perform contrast enhancement as such.

Any help on this is appreciated.


There's no builtin solution in OpenCV to perform histogram stretching, but you can do it easily in a loop.

imadjust allows to select a tolerance for upper and lower bounds, or the bounds directly, so you need a little more logic than a simple for loop.

You can use the example below as a reference while implementing your own:

#include <opencv2opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

void imadjust(const Mat1b& src, Mat1b& dst, int tol = 1, Vec2i in = Vec2i(0, 255), Vec2i out = Vec2i(0, 255))
    // src : input CV_8UC1 image
    // dst : output CV_8UC1 imge
    // tol : tolerance, from 0 to 100.
    // in  : src image bounds
    // out : dst image buonds

    dst = src.clone();

    tol = max(0, min(100, tol));

    if (tol > 0)
        // Compute in and out limits

        // Histogram
        vector<int> hist(256, 0);
        for (int r = 0; r < src.rows; ++r) {
            for (int c = 0; c < src.cols; ++c) {

        // Cumulative histogram
        vector<int> cum = hist;
        for (int i = 1; i < hist.size(); ++i) {
            cum[i] = cum[i - 1] + hist[i];

        // Compute bounds
        int total = src.rows * src.cols;
        int low_bound = total * tol / 100;
        int upp_bound = total * (100-tol) / 100;
        in[0] = distance(cum.begin(), lower_bound(cum.begin(), cum.end(), low_bound));
        in[1] = distance(cum.begin(), lower_bound(cum.begin(), cum.end(), upp_bound));


    // Stretching
    float scale = float(out[1] - out[0]) / float(in[1] - in[0]);
    for (int r = 0; r < dst.rows; ++r)
        for (int c = 0; c < dst.cols; ++c)
            int vs = max(src(r, c) - in[0], 0);
            int vd = min(int(vs * scale + 0.5f) + out[0], out[1]);
            dst(r, c) = saturate_cast<uchar>(vd);

int main()
    Mat3b img = imread("path_to_image");

    Mat1b gray;
    cvtColor(img, gray, COLOR_RGB2GRAY);

    Mat1b adjusted;
    imadjust(gray, adjusted);

    // int low_in, high_in, low_out, high_out
    // imadjust(gray, adjusted, 0, Vec2i(low_in, high_in), Vec2i(low_out, high_out));

    return 0;

Input image:

Output adjusted image:

这篇关于在 OpenCV 中使用 C++ 是否有与 Matlab 的 imadjust 等效的函数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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