在 哨兵节点维基百科页面上,它说哨兵节点相对于 NULL 的好处是:
On the Sentinel Node wikipedia page it says that the benefits of a sentinel node over NULL are :
- 提高操作速度
- 减少算法代码大小
- 增强了数据结构的稳健性(可以说是).
I don't really understand how the checks against a sentinel node would be faster (or how to properly implement them in a linked list or tree), so I suppose this is more of a two part question:
- 是什么让哨兵节点成为比 NULL 更好的设计?
- 您将如何在(例如)列表中实现哨兵节点?
There's no advantage with sentinels if you're just doing simple iteration and not looking at the data in the elements.
但是,将其用于查找"类型算法时会获得一些实际收益.例如,想象一个链表列表 std::list
,您想在其中查找特定值 x
However, there's some real gain when using it for "find" type algorithms. For example, imagine a linked list list std::list
where you want to find a specific value x
但是有了哨兵(当然,end 实际上必须是一个真正的节点……):
But with sentinels (of course, end actually has to be a real node for this...):
您看到不需要额外的分支来测试列表的末尾 - 该值始终保证在那里,因此如果 x,您将自动返回
You see there's no need for the additional branch to test for the end of the list - the value is always guaranteed to be there, so you will automatically return end()
if x
cannot be found in your "valid" elements.
对于另一个很酷且实际有用的哨兵应用程序,请参阅intro-sort",这是大多数 std::sort
For another cool and actually useful application of sentinels, see "intro-sort", which is the sorting algorithm that's used in most std::sort
implementations. It has a cool variant of the partition algorithm that uses sentinels to remove a few branches.
这篇关于哨兵节点如何提供优于 NULL 的好处?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!