我正在使用 std::queue 来实现 JobQueue 类.(基本上这个类以先进先出的方式处理每个作业).在一种情况下,我想一次性清除队列(从队列中删除所有作业).我在 std::queue 类中没有看到任何明确的方法.
I am using std::queue for implementing JobQueue class. ( Basically this class process each job in FIFO manner). In one scenario, I want to clear the queue in one shot( delete all jobs from the queue). I don't see any clear method available in std::queue class.
如何高效地实现 JobQueue 类的 clear 方法?
How do I efficiently implement the clear method for JobQueue class ?
I have one simple solution of popping in a loop but I am looking for better ways.
//Clears the job queue
void JobQueue ::clearJobs()
// I want to avoid pop in a loop
while (!m_Queue.empty())
A common idiom for clearing standard containers is swapping with an empty version of the container:
void clear( std::queue<int> &q )
std::queue<int> empty;
std::swap( q, empty );
It is also the only way of actually clearing the memory held inside some containers (std::vector)
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