• <bdo id='z74RY'></bdo><ul id='z74RY'></ul>

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        尝试解码不在 base64 字符集中的值

        attempt to decode a value not in base64 char set(尝试解码不在 base64 字符集中的值)

      2. <tfoot id='MarBo'></tfoot><legend id='MarBo'><style id='MarBo'><dir id='MarBo'><q id='MarBo'></q></dir></style></legend>

            <i id='MarBo'><tr id='MarBo'><dt id='MarBo'><q id='MarBo'><span id='MarBo'><b id='MarBo'><form id='MarBo'><ins id='MarBo'></ins><ul id='MarBo'></ul><sub id='MarBo'></sub></form><legend id='MarBo'></legend><bdo id='MarBo'><pre id='MarBo'><center id='MarBo'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='MarBo'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='MarBo'><tfoot id='MarBo'></tfoot><dl id='MarBo'><fieldset id='MarBo'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                • 本文介绍了尝试解码不在 base64 字符集中的值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我使用以下代码片段使用 Boost C++ 库对字符串进行 base64 编码和解码.

                  I am using the following code snippet to base64 encode and decode a string using Boost C++ library.

                  //Base64 Encode Implementation using Boost C++ library
                  const std::string base64_padding[] = {"", "=", "=="};
                  std::string X_Privet_Token_Generator::base64_encode(const std::string & s)
                    namespace bai = boost::archive::iterators;
                    std::stringstream os;
                    // convert binary values to base64 characters
                    typedef bai::base64_from_binary
                    // retrieve 6 bit integers from a sequence of 8 bit bytes
                    <bai::transform_width<const char *, 6, 8> > base64_enc; // compose all the above operations in to a new iterator
                    std::copy(base64_enc(s.c_str()), base64_enc(s.c_str() + s.size()), std::ostream_iterator<char>(os));
                    os << base64_padding[s.size() % 3];
                    return os.str();
                  std::string X_Privet_Token_Generator::base64_decode(std::string & s)
                    namespace bai = boost::archive::iterators;
                    std::stringstream os;
                    // convert binary values to base64 characters
                    typedef bai::binary_from_base64
                    <bai::transform_width<const char *, 8, 6> > base64_dec;
                    unsigned int size = s.size();
                    // Remove the padding characters, cf.
                    if (size && s[size - 1] == '=')
                        if (size && s[size - 1] == '=')
                    if (size == 0)
                        return std::string();
                    LOGINFO("Hash decoded token : %s", s.c_str());
                    std::copy(base64_dec(s.data()), base64_dec(s.data() + size), std::ostream_iterator<char>(os));
                    std::cout<< os.str();
                    return os.str();


                  Encoding works well, however, while decoding I get the following error:

                  在抛出 boost::archive::iterators::dataflow_exception

                  what():尝试解码不在 base64 字符集中的值

                  what(): attempt to decode a value not in base64 char set


                  Is it one of the padded characters that is causing this issue? Am I missing something here?


                  填充字符 '=' 是 b64 编码数据的一部分,在解码之前不应删除.b64 以 4 个字符的块进行编码,我怀疑在解码时它会在字符串末尾读取 '' 而不是预期的 '='.

                  The padding characters '=' are part of the b64 encoded data and should not be removed before decoding. b64 is encoded in blocks of 4 character, I suspect that while decoding it reads a '' instead of an expected '=' at the end of the string.

                  这篇关于尝试解码不在 base64 字符集中的值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  How to limit the number of running instances in C++(C++中如何限制运行实例的数量)
                  Using boost::asio::async_read with stdin?(将 boost::asio::async_read 与 stdin 一起使用?)
                  How to find out what dependencies (i.e other Boost libraries) a particular Boost library requires?(如何找出特定 Boost 库需要哪些依赖项(即其他 Boost 库)?)
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