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    2. 如何正确解析 Boost.Xpressive 的胡子?

      How to parse mustache with Boost.Xpressive correctly?(如何正确解析 Boost.Xpressive 的胡子?)
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                本文介绍了如何正确解析 Boost.Xpressive 的胡子?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我尝试用出色的 mustache 解析器.html" rel="nofollow">Boost.XPressive 来自杰出的 Eric Niebler.但由于这是我的第一个解析器,我不熟悉编译器编写者的正常"方法和行话,并且在经过几天的反复试验后感到有点迷茫.所以我来到这里,希望有人能告诉我我的愚蠢方式是多么愚蠢;)

                I have tried to write a mustache parser with the excellent Boost.XPressive from the brilliant Eric Niebler. But since this is my first parser I am not familiar with the "normal" approach and lingo of compiler writers and feel a bit lost after a few days of trial&error. So I come here and hope someone can tell me the foolishness of my n00bish ways ;)

                这是我想提取的带有胡子模板的 HTML 代码 (http://mustache.github.io/):现在<bold>是{{#time}}gugus {{zeit}} oder nicht{{/time}} <i>为所有好人</i>来{007}帮助他们的</bold>{{国家}}.结果:{{#Res1}}零<b>est</b>mundi{{/Res1}}

                This is the HTML code with the mustache templates that I want to extract (http://mustache.github.io/): Now <bold>is the {{#time}}gugus {{zeit}} oder nicht{{/time}} <i>for all good men</i> to come to the {007} aid of their</bold> {{country}}. Result: {{#Res1}}Nullum <b>est</b> mundi{{/Res1}}

                • 我编写的解析器不会打印任何内容,但也不会在编译时发出警告.我之前设法让它打印出部分 mustache 代码,但从来没有正确打印出来.
                • 我不知道如何遍历所有代码以查找所有出现的事件,然后还可以像使用 smatch what; 变量一样访问它们.该文档仅显示如何使用what"查找第一次出现或如何使用迭代器"输出所有出现.
                  • 实际上我需要两者的结合.因为一旦找到某些东西,我就需要质疑标签名称和标签之间的内容(什么"会提供但迭代器"不允许) - 并采取相应的行动.我想我可以使用动作",但如何使用?
                  • 我认为应该可以一次性完成标签查找和标签之间的内容",对吧?或者我需要为此解析 2 次 - 如果是,如何解析?
                  • The parser I wrote doesn't print out anything but also doesn't issue a warning at compile-time. I managed before to have it print out parts of the mustache code but never all of it correctly.
                  • I don't know how I can loop through all the code to find all occurrences but then also access them like with the smatch what; variable. The doc only shows how to find the first occurrence with "what" or how to output all the occurrences with the "iterator".
                    • Actually I need a combination of both. Because once something is found I need to question the tags name and the content between the tags (which "what" would offer but the "iterator" won't allow) - and act accordingly. I guess I could use "actions" but how?
                    • I think that it should be possible to do the tag finding and "content between tags" in one swoop, right? Or do I need to parser 2 times for that - and if so how?
                    #include <boost/xpressive/xpressive_static.hpp>
                    #include <boost/xpressive/match_results.hpp>
                    typedef std::string::const_iterator It;
                    using namespace boost::xpressive;
                    std::string str = "Now <bold>is the {{#time}}gugus {{zeit}} oder nicht{{/time}} <i>for all good men</i> to come to the {007} aid of their</bold> {{country}}. Result: {{#Res1}}Nullum <b>est</b> mundi{{/Res1}}";
                    // Parser setup --------------------------------------------------------
                    mark_tag mtag (1), cond_mtag (2), user_str (3);
                    sregex brackets = "{{"
                                      >> keep ( mtag = repeat<1, 20> (_w) )
                                      >> "}}"
                    sregex cond_brackets = "{{#"
                                       >> keep (cond_mtag = repeat<1, 20> (_w) )
                                       >> "}}"
                                       >> * (
                                           keep (user_str = + (*_s >> +alnum >> *_s) ) |
                                           by_ref (brackets) |
                                           by_ref (cond_brackets)
                                       >> "{{/"
                                       >> cond_mtag
                                       >> "}}"
                    sregex mexpression = *( by_ref (cond_brackets) | by_ref (brackets) );
                    // Looping + catching the results --------------------------------------
                    smatch what2;
                    std::cout << "
                    " << str << '
                    It strBegin = str.begin(), strEnd = str.end();
                    int ic = 0;
                        if ( !regex_search ( strBegin, strEnd, what2, mexpression ) )
                            std::cout << "	>> Breakout of this life...! Exit after " << ic << " loop(s)." << std::endl;
                            std::cout << "**Loop Nr: " << ic << '
                            std::cout << "	what2[0] "         << what2[0]      << '
                    '; // whole match
                            std::cout << "	what2[mtag] "      << what2[mtag]   << '
                            std::cout << "	what2[cond_mtag] " << what2[cond_mtag]   << '
                            std::cout << "	what2[user_str] "  << what2[user_str]    << '
                            // display the nested results
                            std::for_each (
                                output_nested_results() // <--identical function from E.Nieblers documentation
                            strBegin = what2[0].second;
                    while (ic < 6 || strBegin != str.end() );


                    这是来自@sehe 的正确完整代码,现在可以在 GCC >4.8 和 Linux 和 Windows 下的 CLANG 下工作.再次非常感谢伙伴提供的这个很棒的帮助,尽管这意味着我可以埋葬 XPressive :D

                    Here is the correct full code from @sehe that now works under GCC >4.8 and CLANG under Linux and Windows. Again many thanks mate for this awesome help, even though this means that I can bury XPressive :D


                    The following lines have changed or been added:

                    // --
                    #define BOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_DECLTYPE
                    // --
                    struct to_string_f {
                    template <typename T>
                    std::string operator()(T const& v) const { return v.to_string(); }};
                    // --
                    section     %= "{{" >> sense >> reference [ section_id = to_string(_1) ] >> "}}"
                                    >> sequence // contents
                                    > ("{{" >> ('/' >> lexeme [ lit(section_id) ]) >> "}}");
                    // --
                    phx::function<to_string_f> to_string;

                    //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG
                    #define BOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_DECLTYPE
                    #define BOOST_SPIRIT_USE_PHOENIX_V3
                    #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
                    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
                    #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
                    #include <boost/utility/string_ref.hpp>
                    #include <functional>
                    #include <map>
                    namespace mustache {
                        // any atom refers directly to source iterators for efficiency
                        using boost::string_ref;
                        template <typename Kind> struct atom {
                            string_ref value;
                            atom() { }
                            atom(string_ref const& value) : value(value) { }
                            friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, atom const& v) { return os << typeid(v).name() << "[" << v.value << "]"; }
                        // the atoms
                        using verbatim = atom<struct verbatim_tag>;
                        using variable = atom<struct variable_tag>;
                        using partial  = atom<struct partial_tag>;
                        // the template elements (any atom or a section)
                        struct section;
                        using melement = boost::variant<
                                partial, // TODO comments and set-separators
                        // the template: sequences of elements
                        using sequence = std::vector<melement>;
                        // section: recursively define to contain a template sequence
                        struct section {
                            bool       sense; // positive or negative
                            string_ref control;
                            sequence   content;
                    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(mustache::section, (bool, sense)(boost::string_ref, control)(mustache::sequence, content))
                    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
                    namespace phx= boost::phoenix;
                    struct to_string_f {
                        template <typename T>
                        std::string operator()(T const& v) const { return v.to_string(); }
                    template <typename Iterator>
                        struct mustache_grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, mustache::sequence()>
                        mustache_grammar() : mustache_grammar::base_type(sequence)
                            using namespace qi;
                            static const _a_type section_id = {}; // local
                            using boost::phoenix::construct;
                            using boost::phoenix::begin;
                            using boost::phoenix::size;
                            sequence     = *element;
                            element      = 
                                        !(lit("{{") >> '/') >> // section-end ends the current sequence
                                        (partial | section | variable | verbatim);
                            reference    = raw [ lexeme [ +(graph - "}}") ] ]
                                            [ _val = construct<boost::string_ref>(&*begin(_1), size(_1)) ];
                            partial      = qi::lit("{{") >> "> " >> reference >> "}}";
                            sense        = ('#' > attr(true))
                                         | ('^' > attr(false));
                            section     %= "{{" >> sense >> reference [ section_id = to_string(_1) ] >> "}}"
                                        >> sequence // contents
                                        > ("{{" >> ('/' >> lexeme [ lit(section_id) ]) >> "}}");
                            variable     = "{{" >> reference >> "}}";
                            verbatim     = raw [ lexeme [ +(char_ - "{{") ] ]
                                            [ _val = construct<boost::string_ref>(&*begin(_1), size(_1)) ];
                        phx::function<to_string_f> to_string;
                        qi::rule<Iterator, mustache::sequence()> sequence;
                        qi::rule<Iterator, mustache::melement()> element;
                        qi::rule<Iterator, mustache::partial()>  partial;
                        qi::rule<Iterator, mustache::section(), qi::locals<std::string> >  section;
                        qi::rule<Iterator, bool()>                sense;                  // postive  or negative
                        qi::rule<Iterator, mustache::variable()> variable;
                        qi::rule<Iterator, mustache::verbatim()> verbatim;
                        qi::rule<Iterator, boost::string_ref()>   reference;
                    namespace Dumping {
                        struct dumper : boost::static_visitor<std::ostream&>
                            std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& os, mustache::sequence const& v) const {
                                for(auto& element : v)
                                    boost::apply_visitor(std::bind(dumper(), std::ref(os), std::placeholders::_1), element);
                                return os;
                            std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& os, mustache::verbatim const& v) const {
                                return os << v.value;
                            std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& os, mustache::variable const& v) const {
                                return os << "{{" << v.value << "}}";
                            std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& os, mustache::partial const& v) const {
                                return os << "{{> " << v.value << "}}";
                            std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& os, mustache::section const& v) const {
                                os << "{{" << (v.sense?'#':'^') << v.control << "}}";
                                (*this)(os, v.content);
                                return os << "{{/" << v.control << "}}";
                    namespace ContextExpander {
                        struct Nil { };
                        using Value = boost::make_recursive_variant<
                            std::map<std::string, boost::recursive_variant_>,
                        using Dict  = std::map<std::string, Value>;
                        using Array = std::vector<Value>;
                        static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Nil   const&)   { return os << "#NIL#"; }
                        static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Dict  const& v) { return os << "#DICT("  << v.size() << ")#"; }
                        static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Array const& v) { return os << "#ARRAY(" << v.size() << ")#"; }
                        struct expander : boost::static_visitor<std::ostream&>
                            std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& os, Value const& ctx, mustache::sequence const& v) const {
                                for(auto& element : v)
                                    boost::apply_visitor(std::bind(expander(), std::ref(os), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2), ctx, element);
                                return os;
                            template <typename Ctx>
                            std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& os, Ctx const&/*ignored*/, mustache::verbatim const& v) const {
                                return os << v.value;
                            std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& os, Dict const& ctx, mustache::variable const& v) const {
                                auto it = ctx.find(v.value.to_string());
                                if (it != ctx.end())
                                    os << it->second;
                                return os;
                            template <typename Ctx>
                            std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& os, Ctx const&, mustache::variable const&) const {
                                return os;
                            std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& os, Dict const& ctx, mustache::partial const& v) const {
                                auto it = ctx.find(v.value.to_string());
                                if (it != ctx.end())
                                    static const mustache_grammar<std::string::const_iterator> p;
                                    auto const& subtemplate = boost::get<std::string>(it->second);
                                    std::string::const_iterator first = subtemplate.begin(), last = subtemplate.end();
                                    mustache::sequence dynamic_template;
                                    if (qi::parse(first, last, p, dynamic_template))
                                        return (*this)(os, Value{ctx}, dynamic_template);
                                return os << "#ERROR#";
                            std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& os, Dict const& ctx, mustache::section const& v) const {
                                auto it = ctx.find(v.control.to_string());
                                if (it != ctx.end())
                                    boost::apply_visitor(std::bind(do_section(), std::ref(os), std::placeholders::_1, std::cref(v)), it->second);
                                else if (!v.sense)
                                    (*this)(os, Value{/*Nil*


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