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        CMake 链接到 Windows 上的共享库:关于找不到 .lib 文件的错误

        CMake linking against shared library on windows: error about not finding .lib file(CMake 链接到 Windows 上的共享库:关于找不到 .lib 文件的错误)
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                • 本文介绍了CMake 链接到 Windows 上的共享库:关于找不到 .lib 文件的错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在 CMake 中有一个库定义,它构建了一个共享库一小部分文件,我已经在 linux 和 windows 上编译得很好.

                  I've got a library definition in CMake that builds a shared library out of a small set of files, and I've got it compiling just fine on both linux and windows.

                  但是,我还有另一个库链接到共享库,它在 linux 上运行良好,但是,在 Windows 上我收到一条消息,或者错误找不到 Release/nnet.lib"链接时间.有什么特别的我必须做才能做到这一点Windows 上的链接?

                  However, I've also got another library that links against the shared library and it works fine on linux, however, on windows I get a message along the lines or "error can't find Release/nnet.lib" during link-time. Is there something special I have to do to get this to link on windows?



                  Main shared library (filenames changed to protect the innocent):

                  ADD_LIBRARY(nnet SHARED
                    src/nnet/file_1.cc src/nnet/file_3.cc  
                    src/nnet/file_2.cc src/nnet/file_4.cc)

                  然后我正在构建一个链接库中的 python 模块:

                  And then I'm building a python module that links in the library:

                  # Build python module
                  ADD_LIBRARY            (other_lib SHARED ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/boost/boost_main.cc)
                  TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES  (other_lib nnet   ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})

                  其余的只是样板文件(例如:在 Windows 上将模块扩展名更改为 .pyd,查找 python 库/头文件等)然后在 VS 2008 中构建时,我得到:

                  The rest is just boilerplate (eg: changing module extension to .pyd on windows, finding python libraries/headers, etc) And then when building in VS 2008 I get:

                  致命错误 LNK1181:无法打开输入文件'发布 net.lib'

                  fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'Release net.lib'

                  构建 other_lib 时.请注意,在构建 nnet 时不会抛出任何错误.

                  when building other_lib. Note no errors are thrown while building nnet.


                  啊,我的问题是我在构建库时忘记在合适的地方包含一个 __declspec(dllexport)(你能告诉我我不做 windows 编程吗?很多?).

                  Ah, my problem was I forgot to include a __declspec(dllexport) in suitable places when building the library (can you tell I don't do windows programming a lot?).

                  这篇关于CMake 链接到 Windows 上的共享库:关于找不到 .lib 文件的错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  What is inside .lib file of Static library, Statically linked dynamic library and dynamically linked dynamic library?(静态库、静态链接动态库和动态链接动态库的 .lib 文件里面是什么?)
                  How do I load a C DLL from the SXS in Python?(如何从 Python 中的 SXS 加载 C DLL?)
                  Can Cython code be compiled to a dll so C++ application can call it?(Cython 代码可以编译成 dll 以便 C++ 应用程序可以调用它吗?)
                  Delay Loading DLLs(延迟加载 DLL)
                  Throwing C++ exceptions across DLL boundaries(跨 DLL 边界抛出 C++ 异常)
                  Loading a dll from a dll?(从 dll 加载 dll?)

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