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      1. C++ 从 LPCTSTR 转换为 const char *

        c++ convert from LPCTSTR to const char *(C++ 从 LPCTSTR 转换为 const char *)

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                1. 本文介绍了C++ 从 LPCTSTR 转换为 const char *的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在 MSVC2008 MFC 中有这个问题.我正在使用 unicode.我有一个函数原型:

                  MyFunction(const char *)


                  MyfunFunction(LPCTSTR wChar).


                  错误:无法将参数 1 从LPCTSTR"转换为const char *"



                  由于您使用的是 MFC,您可以轻松地让 CString 进行从 charTCHAR 的自动转换>:


                  无论您的原始字符串是基于 char 还是基于 wchar_t,这都有效.



                  CStringACString 的一个版本,它专门包含 char 字符,而不是 TCHAR.还有一个 CStringW 保存 wchar_t.

                  I have this problem in MSVC2008 MFC. Im using unicode. I have a function prototype:

                  MyFunction(const char *)

                  and I'm calling it:

                  MyfunFunction(LPCTSTR wChar). 

                  error:Cannot Convert Parameter 1 From 'LPCTSTR' to 'const char *'

                  How to resolve it?


                  Since you're using MFC, you can easily let CString do an automatic conversion from char to TCHAR:


                  This works whether your original string is char or wchar_t based.

                  Edit: It seems my original answer was opposite of what you asked for. Easily fixed:


                  CStringA is a version of CString that specifically contains char characters, not TCHAR. There's also a CStringW which holds wchar_t.

                  这篇关于C++ 从 LPCTSTR 转换为 const char *的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  What is inside .lib file of Static library, Statically linked dynamic library and dynamically linked dynamic library?(静态库、静态链接动态库和动态链接动态库的 .lib 文件里面是什么?)
                  How do I load a C DLL from the SXS in Python?(如何从 Python 中的 SXS 加载 C DLL?)
                  Can Cython code be compiled to a dll so C++ application can call it?(Cython 代码可以编译成 dll 以便 C++ 应用程序可以调用它吗?)
                  Delay Loading DLLs(延迟加载 DLL)
                  Throwing C++ exceptions across DLL boundaries(跨 DLL 边界抛出 C++ 异常)
                  Loading a dll from a dll?(从 dll 加载 dll?)

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