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        How to access variables defined and declared in one function in another function?(如何访问在另一个函数中的一个函数中定义和声明的变量?)

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                  Can anyone tell me how to access variables declared and defined in a function in another function. E.g

                  void function1()
                     string abc;
                  void function2()
                     I want to access abc here.


                  How to do that? I know using parameters we can do that but is there any other way ?



                  The C++ way is to pass abc by reference to your function:

                  void function1()
                      std::string abc;
                  void function2(std::string &passed)
                      passed = "new string";

                  您也可以将字符串作为指针传递并在函数 2 中取消引用它.这更像是 C 风格的做事方式,并不安全(例如,可以传入 NULL 指针,如果没有良好的错误检查,它将导致未定义的行为或崩溃.

                  You may also pass your string as a pointer and dereference it in function2. This is more the C-style way of doing things and is not as safe (e.g. a NULL pointer could be passed in, and without good error checking it will cause undefined behavior or crashes.

                  void function1()
                      std::string abc;
                  void function2(std::string *passed)
                      *passed = "new string";




                  Is Type(::x); valid?(是类型(::x);有效的?)
                  Difference between an inline function and static inline function(内联函数和静态内联函数的区别)
                  Compilation fails randomly: quot;cannot open program databasequot;(编译随机失败:“无法打开程序数据库)
                  Too many initializers error for a simple array in bcc32(bcc32 中的简单数组的初始值设定项过多错误)
                  No Member named stoi in namespace std(命名空间 std 中没有名为 stoi 的成员)
                  Error using a constexpr as a template parameter within the same class(在同一个类中使用 constexpr 作为模板参数时出错)
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