So I've been searching forums, but im still very new to the language and linked lists so I can barely decipher the results.
basically I made a delete function for my linked list. I can currently Create a list, traverse the list, sort the list, search the list, and insert before any node in the linked list. I recycled some code from the insert to locate the point in the list where I could delete. My main point of confusion is how to link the previous points to the node that is after the one I am deleting.
I won't write a whole new linked list implementation but i can point out some of the problems with the code for you.
The trick is to stay one node ahead of the one you want to delete.
为了清晰起见,我已将 entry
重命名为 current
I have renamed entry
to current
for clarity
nodetype *current , *first, *next;
int akey;
// With this line your search will start from the second element.
// current =start->ptr;
// Should be
current = start;
// this is not needed. I am assuming the last node has NULL value for '->ptr'
// last=start;
next = current->ptr;
cout<<"Input Data You Would Like To Delete"<<endl;
// Check if the first node contains the data
// Assuming the list will have at least one element. i.e. current is not NULL
while (current->adata == akey)
// Delete it.
delete current;
// Update current for the while loop
current = next;
// update next too.
next = current->ptr;
// Now we know the first element doesn't contain the data.
// Update the pointer to the begging of the new list if anything is removed from the top.
first = current;
// This has unnecessary checks.
// ****Specifically (akey!=current->adata) will
// prevent you from entering the loop if it is false.
// while((akey!=current->adata)&&(current->ptr !=NULL))
while(next != NULL) // This should be enough
if(next->adata == akey)
// make the current node (before the 'deletion point')
// lined to the one after the 'deletion point (next of the next)
current->ptr = next->ptr;
// delete the node.
delete next;
// Make the next pointer point to the new next.
next = current->ptr
// Otherwise advance both current and next.
else {
current = next;
next = next->ptr;
// Use this to test it.
current = first;
cout<<current->adata<<", ";
current = current->ptr;
This is not the cleanest way. However it is similar to your implementation so you can see where you went wrong.