本文介绍了std::stack 是否公开迭代器?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!
C++ STL 中的 std::stack
Does the std::stack
in the C++ STL expose any iterators of the underlying container or should I use that container directly?
根据堆栈的定义,堆栈没有迭代器.如果您需要带有迭代器的堆栈,则需要在其他容器(std::list、std::vector 等)之上自己实现它.堆栈文档在这里.
Stack does not have iterators, by definition of stack. If you need stack with iterators, you'll need to implement it yourself on top of other container (std::list, std::vector, etc). Stack doc is here.
附言根据我从 Iraimblanja 得到的评论,默认情况下 std::stack 使用 std::deque 来实现.
P.S. According to a comment i got from Iraimbilanja, std::stack by default uses std::deque for implementation.
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