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      2. C++/STL 是否支持按属性对对象进行排序?

        Is there support in C++/STL for sorting objects by attribute?(C++/STL 是否支持按属性对对象进行排序?)
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                • 本文介绍了C++/STL 是否支持按属性对对象进行排序?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想知道 STL 是否支持此功能:

                  I wonder if there is support in STL for this:


                  Say I have an class like this :

                  class Person
                    int getAge() const;
                    double getIncome() const;


                  vector<Person*> people;


                  I would like to sort the vector of people by their age: I know I can do it the following way:

                  class AgeCmp
                     bool operator() ( const Person* p1, const Person* p2 ) const
                       return p1->getAge() < p2->getAge();
                  sort( people.begin(), people.end(), AgeCmp() );


                  Is there a less verbose way to do this? It seems overkill to have to define a whole class just because I want to sort based on an 'attribute'. Something like this maybe?

                  sort( people.begin(), people.end(), cmpfn<Person,Person::getAge>() );



                  Generic adaptor to compare based on member attributes. While it is quite more verbose the first time it is reusable.

                  // Generic member less than
                  template <typename T, typename M, typename C>
                  struct member_lt_type 
                     typedef M T::* member_ptr;
                     member_lt_type( member_ptr p, C c ) : ptr(p), cmp(c) {}
                     bool operator()( T const & lhs, T const & rhs ) const 
                        return cmp( lhs.*ptr, rhs.*ptr );
                     member_ptr ptr;
                     C cmp;
                  // dereference adaptor
                  template <typename T, typename C>
                  struct dereferrer
                     dereferrer( C cmp ) : cmp(cmp) {}
                     bool operator()( T * lhs, T * rhs ) const {
                        return cmp( *lhs, *rhs );
                     C cmp;
                  // syntactic sugar
                  template <typename T, typename M>
                  member_lt_type<T,M, std::less<M> > member_lt( M T::*ptr ) {
                     return member_lt_type<T,M, std::less<M> >(ptr, std::less<M>() );
                  template <typename T, typename M, typename C>
                  member_lt_type<T,M,C> member_lt( M T::*ptr, C cmp ) {
                     return member_lt_type<T,M,C>( ptr, cmp );
                  template <typename T, typename C>
                  dereferrer<T,C> deref( C cmp ) {
                     return dereferrer<T,C>( cmp );
                  // usage:    
                  struct test { int x; }
                  int main() {
                     std::vector<test> v;
                     std::sort( v.begin(), v.end(), member_lt( &test::x ) );
                     std::sort( v.begin(), v.end(), member_lt( &test::x, std::greater<int>() ) );
                     std::vector<test*> vp;
                     std::sort( v.begin(), v.end(), deref<test>( member_lt( &test::x ) ) );

                  这篇关于C++/STL 是否支持按属性对对象进行排序?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  What is the past-the-end iterator in STL C++?(STL C++ 中的最后迭代器是什么?)
                  vector::at vs. vector::operator[](vector::at 与 vector::operator[])
                  C++ equivalent of StringBuffer/StringBuilder?(C++ 等效于 StringBuffer/StringBuilder?)
                  Adding types to the std namespace(将类型添加到 std 命名空间)
                  Is the C++ std::set thread-safe?(C++ std::set 线程安全吗?)
                  How to use std::find/std::find_if with a vector of custom class objects?(如何将 std::find/std::find_if 与自定义类对象的向量一起使用?)
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