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      1. Google C++ 风格指南的无例外规则;STL?

        Google C++ style guide#39;s No-exceptions rule; STL?(Google C++ 风格指南的无例外规则;STL?)

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                1. 本文介绍了Google C++ 风格指南的无例外规则;STL?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  Google 的 C++ 风格指南 说我们不使用异常".该样式未提及有关异常使用的 STL.既然 STL 分配器可能会失败,那么它们如何处理容器抛出的异常?

                  Google's C++ style guide says "We do not use exceptions". The style does not mention STL with respect to usage of exception. Since STL allocators can fail, how do they handle exceptions thrown by containers?

                  1. 如果他们使用 STL,调用者如何获知分配失败?push_back() 或 map operator[] 等 STL 方法不返回任何状态代码.
                  2. 如果他们不使用 STL,他们使用什么容器实现?
                  1. If they use STL, how is the caller informed of allocation failures? STL methods like push_back() or map operator[] do not return any status codes.
                  2. If they do not use STL, what container implementation do they use?



                  They say that they don't use exceptions, not that nobody should use them. If you look at the rationale they also write:

                  由于 Google 现有的大多数 C++ 代码都没有准备好处理异常,因此采用生成异常的新代码相对比较困难.

                  Because most existing C++ code at Google is not prepared to deal with exceptions, it is comparatively difficult to adopt new code that generates exceptions.


                  The usual legacy problem. :-(

                  这篇关于Google C++ 风格指南的无例外规则;STL?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Unable to access non-const member functions of objects in C++ std::set(无法访问 C++ std::set 中对象的非常量成员函数)
                  How should a size-limited stl-like container be implemented?(应该如何实现大小受限的 stl 类容器?)
                  Constructing std::function argument from lambda(从 lambda 构造 std::function 参数)
                  STL BigInt class implementation(STL BigInt 类实现)
                  Sync is unreliable using std::atomic and std::condition_variable(使用 std::atomic 和 std::condition_variable 同步不可靠)
                  Move list element to the end in STL(在 STL 中将列表元素移动到末尾)
                  <i id='Hvavp'><tr id='Hvavp'><dt id='Hvavp'><q id='Hvavp'><span id='Hvavp'><b id='Hvavp'><form id='Hvavp'><ins id='Hvavp'></ins><ul id='Hvavp'></ul><sub id='Hvavp'></sub></form><legend id='Hvavp'></legend><bdo id='Hvavp'><pre id='Hvavp'><center id='Hvavp'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='Hvavp'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='Hvavp'><tfoot id='Hvavp'></tfoot><dl id='Hvavp'><fieldset id='Hvavp'></fieldset></dl></div>
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