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        Overloading global swap for user-defined type(重载用户定义类型的全局交换)

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                  C++ 标准禁止在名称空间 std 中声明类型或定义任何内容,但它允许您为用户定义的类型专门化标准 STL 模板.

                  The C++ standard prohibits declaring types or defining anything in namespace std, but it does allow you to specialize standard STL templates for user-defined types.

                  通常,当我想为我自己的自定义模板类型专门化 std::swap 时,我只是这样做:

                  Usually, when I want to specialize std::swap for my own custom templated type, I just do:

                  namespace std
                    template <class T>
                    void swap(MyType<T>& t1, MyType<T>& t2)


                  ...and that works out fine. But I'm not entirely sure if my usual practice is standard compliant. Am I doing this correctly?



                  What you have is not a specialization, it is overloading and exactly what the standard prohibits. (However, it will almost always currently work in practice, and may be acceptable to you.)


                  Here is how you provide your own swap for your class template:

                  template<class T>
                  struct Ex {
                    friend void swap(Ex& a, Ex& b) {
                      using std::swap;
                      swap(a.n, b.n);
                    T n;

                  这里是你如何调用 swap,你会注意到 Ex 的 swap 中也使用了它:

                  And here is how you call swap, which you'll notice is used in Ex's swap too:

                  void f() {
                    using std::swap; // std::swap is the default or fallback
                    Ex<int> a, b;
                    swap(a, b); // invokes ADL





                  Unable to access non-const member functions of objects in C++ std::set(无法访问 C++ std::set 中对象的非常量成员函数)
                  How should a size-limited stl-like container be implemented?(应该如何实现大小受限的 stl 类容器?)
                  Constructing std::function argument from lambda(从 lambda 构造 std::function 参数)
                  STL BigInt class implementation(STL BigInt 类实现)
                  Sync is unreliable using std::atomic and std::condition_variable(使用 std::atomic 和 std::condition_variable 同步不可靠)
                  Move list element to the end in STL(在 STL 中将列表元素移动到末尾)
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