我想让我的 windows 窗体透明,所以删除了边框、控件和只留下窗体框的所有内容,然后我尝试将 BackColor 和 TransparencyKey 设置为透明但它没有成功,因为 BackColor 不接受透明颜色.在四处搜索后,我在 msdn 上找到了这个:
I wanted to make my windows form transparent so removed the borders, controls and everything leaving only the forms box, then I tried to the BackColor and TransparencyKey to transparent but it didnt work out as BackColor would not accept transparent color. After searching around I found this at msdn:
SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
this.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
this.TransparencyKey = BackColor;
Unhappyly it did not work either. I still get the grey or any other selected color background.
All I wanted to do is to have the windows form transparent so I could use a background image that would act as if it was my windows form.
I searched around here and saw many topics in regards opacity which is not what I am looking for and also saw some in regards this method I was trying but have not found an answer yet.
Hope anyone can light my path.
The manner I have used before is to use a wild color (a color no one in their right mind would use) for the BackColor and then set the transparency key to that.
this.BackColor = Color.LimeGreen;
this.TransparencyKey = Color.LimeGreen;