Linq to SQL:为什么我会收到 IDENTITY_INSERT 错误?

Linq to SQL: Why am I getting IDENTITY_INSERT errors?(Linq to SQL:为什么我会收到 IDENTITY_INSERT 错误?)
本文介绍了Linq to SQL:为什么我会收到 IDENTITY_INSERT 错误?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 Linq to SQL.我有一个 DataContext,我正在针对它 .SubmitChanges()'ing.插入身份字段时出错:

当 IDENTITY_INSERT 设置为 OFF 时,无法为表 'Rigs' 中的标识列插入显式值.

I'm using Linq to SQL. I have a DataContext against which I am .SubmitChanges()'ing. There is an error inserting the identity field:

Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Rigs' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

唯一的标识字段是ID",其值为 0.它在 DBML 中定义为:

The only identity field is "ID", which has a value of 0. It's defined in the DBML as:

[Column(Storage="_ID", AutoSync=AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType="Int NOT NULL IDENTITY", IsPrimaryKey=true, IsDbGenerated=true)]


There are a few foreign keys, and I've verified they have values that jive with the foreign tables' content.


Why would I be getting this error?


exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO [dbo].[Rigs]([id], [Name], [RAM], [Usage], [MoreInfo], [datetime], [UID])
VALUES (@p0, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6)
SELECT [t0].[id], [t0].[OSID], [t0].[Monitors]
FROM [dbo].[Rigs] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[id] = @p7',N'@p0 int,@p1 varchar(1),@p2 int,@p3 varchar(1),@p4 varchar(1),@p5 datetime,@p6 int,@p7 
int',@p0=0,@p1='1',@p2=NULL,@p3='4',@p4='5',@p5=''2009-03-11 20:09:15:700'',@p6=1,@p7=0


Clearly it is passing a zero, despite having never been assigned a value.


Rig rig = new Rig();
int RigID;
{ // Confirmed these always contain a nonzero value or blank
    RigID = int.Parse(lbSystems.SelectedValue ?? hfRigID.Value);
    if (RigID > 0) rig = mo.utils.RigUtils.GetByID(RigID);
catch { }

rig.Name = Server.HtmlEncode(txtName.Text);
rig.OSID = int.Parse(ddlOS.SelectedValue);
rig.Monitors = int.Parse(txtMonitors.Text);
rig.Usage = Server.HtmlEncode(txtUsage.Text);
rig.MoreInfo = Server.HtmlEncode(txtMoreInfo.Text);
foreach (ListItem li in lbYourCards.Items)
    RigsToVideoCard r2vc = new RigsToVideoCard();
    r2vc.VCID = int.Parse(li.Value);
rig.UID = c_UID > 0 ? c_UID : mo.utils.UserUtils.GetUserByToken(this.Master.LiveToken).ID;

if (!mo.utils.RigUtils.Save(rig))   
    throw new ApplicationException("There was an error saving your Rig. I have been notified.");
hfRigID.Value =;

public static User GetUserByToken(string token)
    DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MultimonOnlineConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
return (from u in dc.Users
    where u.LiveToken == token
    select u).FirstOrDefault();

另外,我注意到当我更新现有装备(insertonsubmit)时,它不会更新.Profiler 甚至不显示正在运行的任何查询.

Also, I notice that when I UPDATE an existing rig (insertonsubmit), it doesn't update. Profiler doesn't even show any queries being run.


您的代码是否将 ID 值显式设置为 0?(而不是让它保持原样).

Is your code setting the ID value explicitely to 0? (instead of leaving it untouched).

更新 1: 正如您在更新版本上发布的那样,linq2sql 显然正在将值传递给数据库.这是我没有遇到任何问题的一个:

Update 1: As you posted on the updated version, linq2sql is clearly passing the value to the db. Here is one I haven't had any trouble with:

[Column(Storage="_CustomerID", AutoSync=AutoSync.Always, DbType="Int NOT NULL IDENTITY", IsDbGenerated=true)]
public int CustomerID 


I just saw another one, and it has the same exact definition of the one you are using.

[Column(Storage="_TestID", AutoSync=AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType="Int NOT NULL IDENTITY", IsPrimaryKey=true, IsDbGenerated=true)]
public int TestID

更新 2:关于更新,您不应该为此执行 InsertOnSubmit.只需更新值并调用 .SubmitChanges (应该抛出异常).在插入时它真的很奇怪,因为您发布的属性属性似乎是正确的,因此 linq2sql 生成的 Insert 方法也应该是正确的.我会尝试,再次在设计器上重新添加表格并验证所有属性是否正确.

Update 2: Regarding updates, you are not supposed to do InsertOnSubmit for that. Just update the values and call .SubmitChanges (should be throwing an exception). On the insert it is really weird, as the property attributes you posted seems to be correct, so the Insert method linq2sql generates should be correct as well. I would try, re-adding the table on the designer again and verifying all the properties are correct.


Note that the generated insert method should look like (with a matchingRig_Insert):

private void InsertRig(Rig obj)
    System.Nullable<int> p1 = obj.Id;

this.Rig_Insert(/* 一堆值 */, ref p1);obj.Id = p1.GetValueOrDefault();}

this.Rig_Insert(/* bunch of values */, ref p1); obj.Id = p1.GetValueOrDefault(); }

这篇关于Linq to SQL:为什么我会收到 IDENTITY_INSERT 错误?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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