
Best way of mark the quot;currentquot; navigation item in a menu(标记“当前的最佳方式菜单中的导航项)


例如,在 StackOverflow 中,您可以在顶部菜单中设置以下选项:问题标签用户徽章未回答提问.当您位于其中一个部分时,它会以橙色突出显示.

For example, here in StackOverflow you can se a top menu with the options: Questions, Tags, Users, Badges, Unanswered and Ask Question. When you are in one of those sections, it is highlighted in orange.

在 ASP.NET MVC 中实现这一目标的最佳方法是什么?

What is the best way to achieve that in ASP.NET MVC?


So far, and as proof of concept, I have done this helper:

    public static String IsCurrentUrl(this UrlHelper url, String generatedUrl, String output)
        var requestedUrl = url.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.Url;

        if (generatedUrl.EndsWith("/") && !requestedUrl.AbsolutePath.EndsWith("/"))
            generatedUrl=generatedUrl.Substring(0, generatedUrl.Length - 1);

        if (requestedUrl.AbsolutePath.EndsWith(generatedUrl))
            return output;

        return String.Empty;



That method add the output string to the element if the current request match that link. So it can be used like this:

    <a href="@Url.Action("AboutUs","Home")" @Url.IsCurrentUrl(@Url.Action("AboutUs", "Home"), "class=on")><span class="bullet">About Us</span></a>

第一个问题,我基本上调用了两次Url.Action,首先是href"属性,然后是helper,我认为必须有更好的方法来做到这一点.第二个问题,这不是比较两个链接的最佳方法.我想我可以创建一个新的 Html.ActionLink 重载,所以我不需要调用 Url.Action 两次,但是有什么内置方法可以做到这一点?

First problem, I am basically calling twice to Url.Action, first for the "href" attribute, and after in the helper, and I think there has to be a better way to do this. Second problem, that is not the best way to compare two links. I think I could create a new Html.ActionLink overload so I don't need to call the Url.Action twice, but is there any buil-in way to do this?

奖励:如果我添加 "class="on"",MVC 会呈现 class=""on"".为什么?

Bonus: if I add "class="on"", MVC renders class=""on"". Why?




For a project that i'm working on we've had the exact same problem. How to highlight the current tab? This is the approach that was taken at the time:


   var requestActionName = 
   var requestControllerName = 

 <li class="<%=  requestActionName.Equals("Index",
                   && requestControllerName.Equals("Home",
                   StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? 
                   "current" : string.Empty %>">
            <%: Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home") %>


Basically what's happening is that we're just string comparing the action and controller values with values associated with a link. If they match, then we're calling that the current link, and we assign a 'current' class to the menu item.


Now so far, this works, but as we've gotten bigger in size, this setup starts to get pretty large with a whole lot of 'or' this 'or' that. So keep that mind if you decide to try this.


Good luck, and hope this helps you out some.




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