Asp.Net Web API oAuth 2.0 无法使用包含与号 (&) 的密码进行验证

Asp.Net Web API oAuth 2.0 cannot validate with password containing ampersand (amp;)(Asp.Net Web API oAuth 2.0 无法使用包含与号 (amp;) 的密码进行验证)
本文介绍了Asp.Net Web API oAuth 2.0 无法使用包含与号 (&) 的密码进行验证的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我在 AngularJs 应用程序中遇到了有线问题.当用户尝试登录应用时,如果密码中包含与号 (&),则无法验证用户.

I am having a wired issue in my AngularJs application. When user is trying to login to the app and if the password contains ampersand (&), then it couldn't able to validate the user.

我正在使用 OWIN、oAuth2.0 JWT 令牌来验证我的 Asp.Net Web API.

I am using OWIN, oAuth2.0 JWT token to validate my Asp.Net Web APIs.

当我调试时,我发现如果密码包含 & 符号 (&),那么它会截断 & 符号 (&) 中的所有字符.

When i debug i found that if the password contains ampersand (&), then it is truncating all the characters from ampersand (&).

例如,如果密码为x&x",则 OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext 上下文只会获取密码值中的x".

For example, if the password is 'x&x' the OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext context is getting only 'x' in password value.


I have attached a screen shot of the issue click to see the issue..


Any help on this issue, would be highly appreciated.



Am guessing the value is being interpreted as a query string separator.


Try using the javascript method





On your password value before posting to the server, so the ampersand becomes



The server will decode this for you.
You'll probably find that slashes and question marks will also not work in passwords if you dont

这篇关于Asp.Net Web API oAuth 2.0 无法使用包含与号 (&) 的密码进行验证的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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