从 x509Certificate2 启动 RSACryptoServiceProvider 的最佳方式?

Best way to initiate RSACryptoServiceProvider from x509Certificate2?(从 x509Certificate2 启动 RSACryptoServiceProvider 的最佳方式?)
本文介绍了从 x509Certificate2 启动 RSACryptoServiceProvider 的最佳方式?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


从我从密钥库中取出的 X509Certificate2 启动新的 RSACryptoServiceProvider 对象的最佳方法是什么?证书与公共(用于加密)和私有(用于解密)密钥相关联.

What is the best way to initate a new RSACryptoServiceProvider object from an X509Certificate2 I pulled out of a key store? The certificate is associated with both public (for encryption) and private (for decryption) keys.

我目前正在使用 FromXmlString 方法,但一定有更好的方法.

I'm current using the FromXmlString method but there must be a better way.



RSACryptoServiceProvider publicKeyProvider = 

RSACryptoServiceProvider privateKeyProvider = 

证书的公钥或私钥属性的密钥属性是 AsymmetricAlgorithm 类型.

The key property on the public or private key property of the certificate is of type AsymmetricAlgorithm.

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