开始使用 .NET 进行 XSD 验证

Getting started with XSD validation with .NET(开始使用 .NET 进行 XSD 验证)
本文介绍了开始使用 .NET 进行 XSD 验证的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


这是我第一次尝试使用 XSD 验证 XML.

Here is my first attempt at validating XML with XSD.

要验证的 XML 文件:

The XML file to be validated:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<config xmlns="Schemas" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="config.xsd">

XSD,位于Schemas/config.xsd"中,相对于要验证的 XML 文件:

The XSD, located in "Schemas/config.xsd" relative to the XML file to be validated:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified">
  <xs:element name="config">
        <xs:element name="levelVariant">
              <xs:element name="filePath" type="xs:anyURI">

现在,我只想准确地验证 XML 文件的当前显示.一旦我更好地理解这一点,我将展开更多.对于像当前存在的 XML 文件这样简单的东西,我真的需要这么多行吗?

Right now, I just want to validate the XML file precisely as it appears currently. Once I understand this better, I'll expand more. Do I really need so many lines for something as simple as the XML file as it currently exists?


        public void SetURI(string uri)
            XElement toValidate = XElement.Load(Path.Combine(PATH_TO_DATA_DIR, uri) + ".xml");

// begin confusion

       // exception here
       string schemaURI = toValidate.Attributes("xmlns").First().ToString() 
                              + toValidate.Attributes("xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation").First().ToString();
        XmlSchemaSet schemas = new XmlSchemaSet();
        schemas.Add(null, schemaURI);

        XDocument toValidateDoc = new XDocument(toValidate);
        toValidateDoc.Validate(schemas, null);
// end confusion

            root = toValidate;


Running the above code gives this exception:

The ':' character, hexadecimal value 0x3A, cannot be included in a name.


Any illumination would be appreciated.


而不是使用 XDocument.Validate 扩展方法,我会使用 XmlReader 可以配置为通过 XmlReaderSettings.您可以执行以下代码之类的操作.

Rather than using the XDocument.Validate extension method, I would use an XmlReader which can be configured to process an inline schema via XmlReaderSettings. You could do some thing like the following code.

public void VerifyXmlFile(string path)
    // configure the xmlreader validation to use inline schema.
    XmlReaderSettings config = new XmlReaderSettings();
    config.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
    config.ValidationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings;
    config.ValidationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessInlineSchema;
    config.ValidationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessSchemaLocation;
    config.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationCallBack);

    // Get the XmlReader object with the configured settings.
    XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(path, config);

    // Parsing the file will cause the validation to occur.
    while (reader.Read()) ;


private void ValidationCallBack(object sender, ValidationEventArgs vea)
    if (vea.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Warning)
            "	Warning: Matching schema not found.  No validation occurred. {0}",
        Console.WriteLine("	Validation error: {0}", vea.Message);


上面的代码假定以下 using 语句.

The code above assumes the following using statements.

using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;

为了简单起见,我没有返回 boolean 或验证错误集合,您可以轻松地修改它.

Just to keep this simple I did not return a boolean or a collection of validation errors, you could easily modify this to do so.

注意:我修改了您的 config.xml 和 config.xsd 以让它们进行验证.这些是我所做的更改.

Note: I modified your config.xml and config.xsd to get them to validate. These are the changes I made.



<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="levelVariant">



<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="config.xsd">

这篇关于开始使用 .NET 进行 XSD 验证的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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