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        在哪里可以找到有关 C# MSTSCLib 的文档,特别是 MsRdpClient 类?

        Where can I find documentation on the C# MSTSCLib, specifically the MsRdpClient classes?(在哪里可以找到有关 C# MSTSCLib 的文档,特别是 MsRdpClient 类?)

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                1. 本文介绍了在哪里可以找到有关 C# MSTSCLib 的文档,特别是 MsRdpClient 类?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想弄清楚如何创建 C# 远程桌面客户端,并且 Internet 上的文档从稀少到不存在.或者如果你有这些信息,请告诉我.我会尽可能多地收集信息并发布到某个地方

                  I would like to figure out how to create a C# Remote Desktop client and the documentation on the internet varies from sparse to non-existent. Or if you have this information, please let me know. I will compile as much info as possible and post it up somewhere


                  1. 如何以编程方式连接到远程桌面服务器?我应该使用什么客户端类?大概有 20 个.
                  2. 我知道你可以直接设置服务器和用户名.如何安全地设置密码?
                  3. 为什么下面的代码不起作用?

                  1. How do I connect programatically to a remote desktop server? What client class should I use? There are like 20 of them.
                  2. I sort of know that you can set Server and Username directly. How do I set the password securely?
                  3. Why doesn't the following code work?

                  MsRdpClient7 rdc = new MSTSCLib.MsRdpClient7();
                  rdc.Server = "fake.bogus.com";
                  rdc.UserName = "JChen";
                  rdc.AdvancedSettings2.ClearTextPassword = "insecure";

                2. RDP 客户端的完整 API 是什么?我可以从中获得哪些信息?

                3. What is the full API for the RDP client? What kinds of information can I get from it?

                  如果您一直在使用 C# 中的 RDP,请提供帮助.您将为所有需要学习此 API 的人提供巨大的服务,更重要的是,为我提供 :-)

                  If you've been working with RDP in C#, please help. You'll be providing a huge service to all the people who need to learn this API and more importantly, to me :-)


                  Thanks again!

                  为了澄清一点,我正在尝试创建一个控制台 RDP 客户端,它既可以向 RDP 服务器发送数据,也可以从 RDP 服务器接收数据.我已经使用 AxMsTscAxNotSafeForScripting 类型完成了 Forms RDP 客户端.

                  To clarify a bit, I'm trying to create a console RDP client that can both send data to and receive data from the RDP server. I've already done a Forms RDP client using the AxMsTscAxNotSafeForScripting type.


                  MSDN 有关于 远程桌面 ActiveX 控制界面


                  (What a long and descriptive name :) )

                  这篇关于在哪里可以找到有关 C# MSTSCLib 的文档,特别是 MsRdpClient 类?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                4. 相关文档推荐

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