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        Find the point on a circle with given center point, radius, and degree(在给定中心点、半径和度数的圆上找到点)

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                  我已经有 10 年没有做过这样的数学运算了……我正在编写一个 2D 游戏并让玩家四处移动.当我移动玩家时,我试图计算距离玩家位置 200 像素的圆上的点,给定 -360 到 360 之间的正或负角度(度).屏幕为 1280x720,0,0 为中心点的屏幕.玩家在整个笛卡尔坐标系中移动.我试图找到的点可能不在屏幕上.

                  It's been 10 years since I did any math like this... I am programming a game in 2D and moving a player around. As I move the player around I am trying to calculate the point on a circle 200 pixels away from the player position given a positive OR negative angle(degree) between -360 to 360. The screen is 1280x720 with 0,0 being the center point of the screen. The player moves around this entire Cartesian coordinate system. The point I am trying trying to find can be off screen.

                  我尝试了文章 找到具有半径的点上的公式和角度,但我不相信我理解角度"是什么,因为当我将角度作为 -360 到 360 传递给 Cos(angle) 或 Sin(angle) 时,我会得到奇怪的结果.

                  I tried the formulas on article Find the point with radius and angle but I don't believe I am understanding what "Angle" is because I am getting weird results when I pass Angle as -360 to 360 into a Cos(angle) or Sin(angle).


                  • 1280x720 在笛卡尔平面上
                  • 中心点(玩家的位置):
                    • 让 x = 一个介于最小值 -640 到最大值 640 之间的数字
                    • 让 y = 最小 -360 到最大 360 之间的数字

                    在圆上返回 X 的公式是什么?

                    在圆上返回 Y 的公式是什么?


                    链接中的简单方程给出了圆上点的 X 和 Y 坐标相对于圆心.

                    The simple equations from your link give the X and Y coordinates of the point on the circle relative to the center of the circle.

                    X = r * cosine(angle)  
                    Y = r * sine(angle)


                    This tells you how far the point is offset from the center of the circle. Since you have the coordinates of the center (Cx, Cy), simply add the calculated offset.


                    X = Cx + (r * cosine(angle))  
                    Y = Cy + (r * sine(angle))




                  Performance overhead of using attributes in .NET(在 .NET 中使用属性的性能开销)
                  Accessing attribute info from DTE(从 DTE 访问属性信息)
                  c# Hide a property in datagridview with datasource(c#使用数据源隐藏datagridview中的属性)
                  Extract Display name and description Attribute from within a HTML helper(从 HTML 帮助器中提取显示名称和描述属性)
                  C# Attributes and their uses(C# 属性及其用途)
                  C# - Getting all enums value by attribute(C# - 按属性获取所有枚举值)

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