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      Algorithm for hit test in non-overlapping rectangles(非重叠矩形中的命中测试算法)
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              1. 本文介绍了非重叠矩形中的命中测试算法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                I have a collection of non-overlapping rectangles that cover an enclosing rectangle. What is the best way to find the containing rectangle for a mouse click?

                显而易见的答案是有一个矩形数组并按顺序搜索它们,使得搜索 O(n).有没有办法按位置对它们进行排序,使算法小于 O(n),比如 O(log n) 或 O(sqrt(n))?

                The obvious answer is to have an array of rectangles and to search them in sequence, making the search O(n). Is there some way to order them by position so that the algorithm is less than O(n), say, O(log n) or O(sqrt(n))?


                您可以将矩形组织成四边形或 kd-tree.这给了你 O(log n).这是主流的方法.

                You can organize your rectangles in a quad or kd-tree. That gives you O(log n). That's the mainstream method.

                这个问题的另一个有趣的数据结构是 R-trees.如果您必须处理大量矩形,这些会非常有效.

                Another interesting data-structure for this problem are R-trees. These can be very efficient if you have to deal with lots of rectangles.


                然后是 O(1) 方法,只需生成与屏幕大小相同的位图,用无矩形"的占位符填充它,然后将命中矩形索引绘制到该位图中.查找变得如此简单:

                And then there is the O(1) method of simply generating a bitmap at the same size as your screen, fill it with a place-holder for "no rectangle" and draw the hit-rectangle indices into that bitmap. A lookup becomes as simple as:

                  int id = bitmap_getpixel (mouse.x, mouse.y)
                  if (id != -1)
                    hit_rectange (id);


                Obviously that method only works well if your rectangles don't change that often and if you can spare the memory for the bitmap.




                Performance overhead of using attributes in .NET(在 .NET 中使用属性的性能开销)
                Extract Display name and description Attribute from within a HTML helper(从 HTML 帮助器中提取显示名称和描述属性)
                How can I force the PropertyGrid to show a custom dialog for a specific property?(如何强制 PropertyGrid 显示特定属性的自定义对话框?)
                Associate attribute with code generated property in .net(将属性与 .net 中的代码生成属性相关联)
                C# Attributes and their uses(C# 属性及其用途)
                C# - Getting all enums value by attribute(C# - 按属性获取所有枚举值)
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