我不认为这是可能的,但由于我没有从 MSDN 得到明确的说明,我觉得最好问问.假设我们有一个如下的类.
I don't think it's possible but since I haven't got a definite clarity from MSDN, I feel that it's best to ask. Suppose that we have a class as follows.
public partial class Hazaa
public int Shazoo { get; set; }
然后,我希望将 Shazoo 归为 SuperCool 但我希望在另一个文件中这样做.由于我使用的是部分类,因此我可以按如下方式添加新属性.
Then, I'd like Shazoo to be attributed as SuperCool but I wish to do so in another file. Since I'm using partial classes, I can add new properties as follows.
public partial class Hazaa
public int Wheee { get; set; }
But can I attribute a property declared in the first sample by writing code in the latter? I doubt it's possible but I'll be glad to stand corrected. If so, what's the syntax?
You can only attach attributes to members you declare there and then, and unless the member is also declared as partial (so that you may reimplement it elsewhere) you cannot attach attributes to members declared in another partial file.