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        以编程方式更改 Windows 10 UWP 应用程序中的主题

        Changing Theme in Windows 10 UWP App Programmatically(以编程方式更改 Windows 10 UWP 应用程序中的主题)
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                  本文介绍了以编程方式更改 Windows 10 UWP 应用程序中的主题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我可以使用 this.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Dark; 更改主题但是我需要的是整个应用程序级别,因为这只是将当前页面的主题更改为黑暗.

                  I was able to change theme using this.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Dark; But what I need is the whole application level, since this one only change the theme of the current page to dark.

                  每当我尝试这个 App.Current.RequestedTheme = ApplicationTheme.Dark;我总是收到这个错误

                  Whenever I try this App.Current.RequestedTheme = ApplicationTheme.Dark; I always get this error

                  UWPApp.exe 中出现System.NotSupportedException"类型的异常,但未在用户代码中处理

                  An exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' occurred in UWPApp.exe but was not handled in user code


                  Is there such a way that I can change the whole application theme from Light to Dark or vice versa?

                  我正在使用 VS2015

                  I'm using VS2015




                  I used a settings class that holds all of the apps settings including what theme to use. Since the theme can only be set when it starts we need to make sure to set it them. This is the code I used:

                  在 App.xaml.cs 文件中:

                  In the App.xaml.cs file:

                  public App()
                      //Load settings
                      this.RequestedTheme = AppSettings.SelectedTheme;

                  确保在 App.xaml 文件中删除此属性:

                  In the App.xaml file make sure to remove this property:



                  If its not removed it always default to light with no way to change it.


                  This way the user can choose the theme, it gets stored and used when the app starts. Just make sure to load it and apply it in the app initialization phase.

                  这篇关于以编程方式更改 Windows 10 UWP 应用程序中的主题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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