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        Windows Store 应用程序内购买订阅模式

        Windows Store app In-App purchase subscription model(Windows Store 应用程序内购买订阅模式)

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                  本文介绍了Windows Store 应用程序内购买订阅模式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  很久以前 微软宣布开发者将能够以自动续订订阅的形式出售 IAP(应用内购买),即在用户明确取消订阅之前向用户收取一次费用.

                  Quite some time ago Microsoft announced that a developer will be able to sell IAPs (In-App Purchases) as a auto renewable subscription i.e. a user is billed once a period until the user explicitly cancels the subscription.


                  开发中心为 Windows 10 应用程序提交开放,添加新功能

                  您是否打算向 Windows 应用商店添加订阅/定期购买?

                  Are you planning to add subscriptions/recurring purchases to Windows Store?

                  贝尔纳多·萨莫拉:是的.这是 Build 中提到的功能之一,将在接下来的几个月内推出.我们会在此功能可用时通知所有开发人员.块引用

                  Bernardo Zamora: Yes. This is one of the features mentioned at Build that was going to be coming in the next few months. We’ll let all developers know when this feature is available. Blockquote



                  将 Windows 应用分发到世界

                  新订阅支持Windows 10 将扩展应用内购买功能,以包括定期计费或订阅选项,这将使 Windows 应用商店能够使用应用商店计费系统销售基于订阅的内容.此订阅功能对于内容和生产力服务等非常有用,它将支持大多数市场中的 Windows 应用商店消费者支付方式,开发人员可配置时间段.

                  New subscription support In-app purchase capabilities will be expanded with Windows 10 to include a recurring billing, or subscription, option that will enable the Windows Store to sell subscription-based content using Store billing systems. Useful for content and productivity services, among others, this subscription capability will support the Windows Store consumer payment methods in most markets with developer-configurable time periods.

                  到目前为止,我在 Windows SDK 和 Windows 开发人员仪表板(应用程序发布设置)中都没有看到类似的内容.

                  Up to this moment I do not see anything like that neither in Windows SDK nor in Windows Developer Dashboard (App publication setup).

                  我也未能在 MSDN 中找到任何关于此事的信息.使用寿命有限的持久 IAP 并不好,因为它使用户每隔一段时间就会明确地重新购买 IAP.

                  I failed to find anything on the matter in MSDN as well. The durable IAP with the limited lifespan is no good as it makes the user explicitly repurchase the IAP every other time.

                  一旦 Windows 10 周年更新即将出现在 2016 年 8 月 2 日,并且有间接迹象表明 Windows 应用商店将支持 IAP 订阅我正在向 Windows Insider 计划成员询问详细信息.

                  As soon as the Windows 10 Anniversary Update is going to emerge on the 2nd of August 2016 and there are indirect indications that Windows Store is going to support IAP subscriptions I am asking the Windows Insider program members for details.

                  是否有任何关于 IAP 订阅实施方式的示例?

                  Are there any samples on the way the IAP subscriptions are going to be implemented?

                  更新(2017 年 1 月 1 日):

                  MSDN 中开始出现一些信息.有一个 StoreSubscriptionInfo新 Windows.Services.Store 命名空间中的类它适用于面向 Windows 10 版本 1607 及更高版本的 UWP 应用.截至 2017 年 1 月 1 日StoreSubscriptionInfo 类文档指出:

                  There are some pieces of information beginning to appear in MSDN. There is a StoreSubscriptionInfo class in the new Windows.Services.Store namespace which is available for UWP apps targeting Windows 10, version 1607 and later. As of the 1st of Jan 2017 the StoreSubscriptionInfo class doc states:

                  提供产品 SKU 的订阅信息,该产品 SKU 代表具有定期计费的订阅.

                  Provides subscription info for a product SKU that represents a subscription with recurring billing.

                  Windows 开发中心或应用商店当前不支持订阅.此类的存在是为了提供对订阅的未来支持,并且不打算在当前版本中由您的代码使用.

                  Subscriptions are not currently supported by Windows Dev Center or the Store. This class exists to provide future support for subscriptions, and is not intended to be used by your code in the current release.

                  更新(2017 年 8 月 24 日):


                  Some useful doc appeared recently: Enable subscription add-ons for your app. Its a pity this early adoption program was not public.

                  更新(2017 年 10 月 5 日):

                  我收到了来自 @Stefan Wick MSFT 的更新,即他从开发团队收到的一些信息:

                  I have an update from @Stefan Wick MSFT i.e. some info he received from the development team:

                  我们只是在等待一些最终验证完成订阅试用.现在有几个应用程序正在运行在预览计划中利用 IAP 订阅,我们计划开放它在 10 月的某个时候出现在 Dev Center Insiders 旁边,紧随其后如果我们的验证在此之后的短时间内普遍可用测试按计划进行.

                  We are just awaiting some final validation to be completed around subscription trials. There are a couple of apps live right now levering IAP Subscriptions in the preview program and we plan to open it up next to the Dev Center Insiders some time in October, followed by general availability a short time after that if our validation tests go as planned.


                  看来订阅功能终于从神秘的Early Adoption Program"移开了.到公开可用的开发中心内幕计划"这对我们中的许多人来说意义重大.简而言之,任何开发人员都可以申请、加入该计划并在这一小时开始提供自动定期订阅.耶.

                  It appears that the subscription feature finally moved from the mysterious "Early Adoption Program" to the publicly available "Dev Center Insider Program" and that makes a huge difference for many of us. Simply put any developer can apply, join the program and start supplying the auto recurring subscriptions this very hour. Yay.

                  Dev Center Insider Program 功能:订阅插件:将您应用中的数字产品(例如应用功能或数字内容)作为插件销售,并具有自动循环计费周期.

                  Dev Center Insider Program feature: Subscription add-ons: Sell digital products in your app (such as app features or digital content) as add-ons, with automated recurring billing periods.

                  开发中心内部人员如何尝试:为您的插件产品类型选择订阅并指定订阅期.您还必须使用 Windows.Services.Store 命名空间中的 API 来启用订阅体验.

                  How Dev Center Insiders can try it: Choose Subscription for your add-on's product type and specify a subscription period. You must also use APIs in the Windows.Services.Store namespace to enable the subscription experience.

                  添加日期:2017 年 12 月

                  Date added: December 2017


                  这篇关于Windows Store 应用程序内购买订阅模式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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