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      2. 来自 IP 地址的经度和纬度值

        Longitude and latitude value from IP address(来自 IP 地址的经度和纬度值)
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                  本文介绍了来自 IP 地址的经度和纬度值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  Is it possible to get the longitude and latitude value from IP address in asp.net? If it is possible, please let me know how can I get this.


                  MaxMind Geolite city免费.如果它不够好,您显然可以升级到更准确的付费版本.我无法评价付费版本的质量,因为我从未使用过它.

                  MaxMind Geolite city is free. If it is not good enough, you can apparently upgrade to a more accurate paid-version. I can't speak for the quality of the paid version, as I have never used it.

                  如果您喜欢您的 SQL,请下载 CSV 版本.将其加载到您选择的数据库中,然后查询.

                  If you like your SQL, download the CSV version. Load it into your database of choice, and query away.


                  The faster and space-efficient option is to download the file binary blob version of the same database, and then use the C# class to query it.

                  另外,我发现 ipinfodb.com 很有用.查询是通过简单的 HTTP GET.例如,要对 stackoverflow.com 进行地理定位,请尝试:

                  Alternatively, I have found ipinfodb.com to be useful. Query is by simple HTTP GET. For example, to geolocate stackoverflow.com try:


                  这将返回一个包含纬度和经度的 XML 文件,如下所示:

                  This will return an XML file containing latitude and longitude, that looks like:

                    <CountryName>United States</CountryName>

                  http://forum.ipinfodb.com/上提供了一些 VB.NET 示例代码viewtopic.php?f=7&t=269

                  这篇关于来自 IP 地址的经度和纬度值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Using entity Framework with .NET Core and DB2(将实体框架与 .NET Core 和 DB2 结合使用)
                  SQL1159 Initialization error with DB2 .NET Data Provider, reason code 10, tokens 0.0.0, 9.7.3(SQL1159 DB2 .NET 数据提供程序的初始化错误,原因代码 10,令牌 0.0.0、9.7.3)
                  C# quot;awaitquot; error when using WinRT from Desktop app(C#“等待从桌面应用程序使用 WinRT 时出错)
                  Geolocation error with IP address 地址为 的地理定位错误)
                  Check if point is inside a circle(检查点是否在圆圈内)
                  Smart way to get the public Internet IP address/geo loc(获取公共 Internet IP 地址/地理位置的智能方法)

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