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        以编程方式将资源嵌入 .NET 程序集中

        Programmatically embed resources in a .NET assembly(以编程方式将资源嵌入 .NET 程序集中)
        • <bdo id='NK01b'></bdo><ul id='NK01b'></ul>
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                1. 本文介绍了以编程方式将资源嵌入 .NET 程序集中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个已编译的 .NET 程序集,其中嵌入了一个特定的资源文件(名为Script.xml").我需要以编程方式将其更改为另一个.

                  I have a compiled .NET assembly with a specific resource file embedded (named 'Script.xml'). I need to programmatically change it out for another.


                  Is this possible to do without recompiling from source?


                  Currently, I do a search for text I know is in the file and it works well. But I need to do it for another project where I don't know any of the contents of the resource file and I need to find another method.

                  FileStream exe = new FileStream(currentexe, FileMode.Open);
                  //find xml part of exefile
                  string find = "<?xml version="1.0"?>";
                  string lastchars = new string(' ', find.Length);
                  while (exe.CanRead) {
                      lastchars = lastchars.Substring(1) + (char)exe.ReadByte();
                      if (lastchars == find) {
                          exe.Seek(-find.Length, SeekOrigin.Current);
                  //output serialized script
                  int bytenum = 0;
                  foreach (byte c in xml) {
                      if (c == 0) break;
                  //clean out extra data
                  while (bytenum++ < ScriptFileSize) {


                  您可以使用 Cecil 打开程序集并插入资源(我这样做).YMMV

                  You could use Cecil to open the assembly and insert a resource (I do). YMMV

                  这篇关于以编程方式将资源嵌入 .NET 程序集中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Populate ListBox with a IEnumrable on another thread (winforms)(在另一个线程(winforms)上使用 IEnumrable 填充 ListBox)
                  listbox selected item give me quot; System.Data.DataRowViewquot; , C# winforms(列表框选择的项目给我quot;System.Data.DataRowView, C# Winforms)
                  Cannot remove items from ListBox(无法从列表框中删除项目)
                  Preventing ListBox scrolling to top when updated(更新时防止列表框滚动到顶部)
                  Drag and drop from list to canvas on windows phone with MVVM(使用 MVVM 在 Windows 手机上从列表拖放到画布)
                  Deselection on a WPF listbox with extended selection mode(具有扩展选择模式的 WPF 列表框上的取消选择)
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