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        • <bdo id='phKy0'></bdo><ul id='phKy0'></ul>
      1. 将列表中的学生姓名、姓氏和年龄添加到 ListBox

        Add students name,surname and age from list to ListBox(将列表中的学生姓名、姓氏和年龄添加到 ListBox)
          1. <small id='28Y8t'></small><noframes id='28Y8t'>

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                1. 本文介绍了将列表中的学生姓名、姓氏和年龄添加到 ListBox的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有 3 个 文本框,我可以在其中输入 NameSurnameAge.在我按下button1后,它会生成一个具有这些属性的新学生.

                  I have 3 textboxes where I can enter Name,Surname and Age. After i press button1, it makes a new student with these attributes.

                  如何将具有所有 3 个属性的学生添加到 ListBox?看起来像这样:

                  How can I add student with all 3 attributes to ListBox? Look like this:

                  /#/-- 姓名 -- 姓 -- 年龄
                  1 -- 约翰 -- 史密斯 -- 21
                  2 --托尼 -- 霍克 -- 22

                  /#/ -- Name -- Surname -- Age
                  1 -- John -- Smith -- 21
                  2 -- Tony -- Hawk -- 22


                  public class Students
                       public string Name;
                       public string Surname;
                       public int Age;
                  public partial class Form1 : Form
                       List<Students> group = new List<Students>();
                       public Form1()
                       private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                           Students student = new Students();
                           student.Name = textBox1.Text;
                           student.Surname = textBox2.Text;
                           student.Age = Convert.ToInt32(textBox3.Text);



                  listBox1.DataSource = group;
                  listBox1.DisplayMember = "Name"; //Set the DisplayMember property to avoid call ToString()


                  foreach (var item in group)
                  listBox1.DisplayMember = "Name";


                  Also you shoud change the fields in your class to properties like this:

                  public class Students
                      public string Name { get; set; }
                      public string Surname { get; set; }
                      public int Age { get; set; }
                      public override string ToString()
                          return string.Format("{0} -- {1} -- {2}", Name, Surname, Age);

                  我想你想要这个(通过按下按钮它添加到 ListBox 并且你不再需要 group 列表. 只是不要忘记覆盖类中的ToString):

                  I think you want this (By pressing button it adds to the ListBox and you don't need the group list anymore. Just don't forget to override the ToString in the class):

                  private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                      Students student = new Students();
                      student.Name = textBox4.Text;
                      student.Surname = textBox5.Text;
                      student.Age = Convert.ToInt32(textBox6.Text);

                  这篇关于将列表中的学生姓名、姓氏和年龄添加到 ListBox的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Populate ListBox with a IEnumrable on another thread (winforms)(在另一个线程(winforms)上使用 IEnumrable 填充 ListBox)
                  listbox selected item give me quot; System.Data.DataRowViewquot; , C# winforms(列表框选择的项目给我quot;System.Data.DataRowView, C# Winforms)
                  Cannot remove items from ListBox(无法从列表框中删除项目)
                  Preventing ListBox scrolling to top when updated(更新时防止列表框滚动到顶部)
                  Drag and drop from list to canvas on windows phone with MVVM(使用 MVVM 在 Windows 手机上从列表拖放到画布)
                  Deselection on a WPF listbox with extended selection mode(具有扩展选择模式的 WPF 列表框上的取消选择)
                2. <tfoot id='eYwtQ'></tfoot>

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