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        如何在 C# 中从 LDAP 读取 TermainsServices IADsTSUserEx 属性?

        How to read TermainsServices IADsTSUserEx Property from LDAP in C#?(如何在 C# 中从 LDAP 读取 TermainsServices IADsTSUserEx 属性?)
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                  本文介绍了如何在 C# 中从 LDAP 读取 TermainsServices IADsTSUserEx 属性?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我从 AD 中阅读了以下属性,

                  I have read the following properties from AD,


                  我已经尝试过 DirectoryEntry 和 DirectorySearcher.但它们不包括属性.

                  I've tried DirectoryEntry and DirectorySearcher. But they does not include the properties.

                  我在 vbscript 和 VC 中找到了一些示例来阅读它们.但是我未能使其在 C# 中工作.我错过了一些棘手的事情吗?

                  I found some example in vbscript and VC to read them. However I failed to make it working in C#. Am I missing some tricky thing?

                  我必须在Windows Server"上运行它才能使其工作吗?win XP 可以读取吗?

                  Am I have to run it on "Windows Server" to make it works? Can it be read from win XP?



                  I don't remember exactly, but it's something like this:

                  //user is a DirectoryEntry
                  IADsTSUserEx adsiUser = (IADsTSUserEx)user.NativeObject; 

                  然后您可以通过 adsiUser 获取所需的 TerminalServices 属性.

                  then you can get the TerminalServices properties you want via adsiUser.

                  根据我的经验,由于您使用的库,您最好在可以访问 AD 的 Windows Server 上进行开发.那么你可能也会完成上述工作:)

                  From my experience you're better off developing on a Windows Server with access to AD due to the libraries you use. Then you'll probably make the above work, too :)

                  这篇关于如何在 C# 中从 LDAP 读取 TermainsServices IADsTSUserEx 属性?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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