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        在 c# 中请求网页欺骗主机

        Request Web Page in c# spoofing the Host(在 c# 中请求网页欺骗主机)
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                1. 本文介绍了在 c# 中请求网页欺骗主机的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我需要为发送到我们网站的网页创建一个请求,但我还需要能够设置主机标头信息.我已经尝试过使用 HttpWebRequest,但是标头信息是只读的(或者至少它的主机部分是只读的).我需要这样做,因为我们想在用户之前执行页面的初始请求.我们有 10 个负载均衡的 Web 服务器,因此我们需要从每个 Web 服务器请求文件.

                  I need to create a request for a web page delivered to our web sites, but I need to be able to set the host header information too. I have tried this using HttpWebRequest, but the Header information is read only (Or at least the Host part of it is). I need to do this because we want to perform the initial request for a page before the user can. We have 10 web server which are load balanced, so we need to request the file from each of the web servers.


                  HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                  request.Headers.Set("Host", "www.mywebsite.com");
                  WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();


                  Obviously this does not work, as I can't update the header, and I don't know if this is indeed the right way to do it.


                  我已经设法通过使用套接字找到了一条更漫长的路线.我在 IPEndPoint 的 MSDN 页面中找到了答案:

                  I have managed to find out a more long winded route by using sockets. I found the answer in the MSDN page for IPEndPoint:

                  string getString = "GET /path/mypage.htm HTTP/1.1
                  Host: www.mysite.mobi
                  Connection: Close
                  Encoding ASCII = Encoding.ASCII;
                  Byte[] byteGetString = ASCII.GetBytes(getString);
                  Byte[] receiveByte = new Byte[256];
                  Socket socket = null;
                  String strPage = null;
                      IPEndPoint ip = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 80);
                      socket = new Socket(ip.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                  catch (SocketException ex)
                      Console.WriteLine("Source:" + ex.Source);
                      Console.WriteLine("Message:" + ex.Message);
                  socket.Send(byteGetString, byteGetString.Length, 0);
                  Int32 bytes = socket.Receive(receiveByte, receiveByte.Length, 0);
                  strPage = strPage + ASCII.GetString(receiveByte, 0, bytes);
                  while (bytes > 0)
                      bytes = socket.Receive(receiveByte, receiveByte.Length, 0);
                      strPage = strPage + ASCII.GetString(receiveByte, 0, bytes);

                  这篇关于在 c# 中请求网页欺骗主机的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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                  set equality in linq(在 linq 中设置相等)
                  HashSet conversion to List(HashSet 转换为 List)
                  How to set timeout for webBrowser navigate event(如何为 webBrowser 导航事件设置超时)
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                2. <legend id='PX1Vc'><style id='PX1Vc'><dir id='PX1Vc'><q id='PX1Vc'></q></dir></style></legend>

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