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    2. 数据在通过串行端口传输期间损坏

      Data gets corrupted during transmission over the serial port(数据在通过串行端口传输期间损坏)

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                我正在开发一个程序来与旧系统进行通信.我为此使用 System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.问题是当我发送更长的消息时,消息会损坏.我使用线路监听器并得到以下结果

                I am developing a program to communicate with an old system. I use System.IO.Ports.SerialPort for this. The problem is when I send a longer message, the message bevome corrupt. I use a line listener and get the following results


                aa 01 00 00 12 03 06 18 02 c1 94 02 c1 94 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1e fd 


                c2 aa 01 00 00 12 03 06 18 02 c3 81 c2 94 02 c3 81 c2 94 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1e c3 bd


                _comPort.Encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
                _comPort.PortName = PortName;  //Com1
                _comPort.BaudRate = BaudRate;  //9600
                _comPort.StopBits = StopBits;  //1
                _comPort.DataBits = DataBits;  //8
                _comPort.Parity   = Parity;    //None


                Why is data corrupted and how do I fix this?


                我的猜测是 messageStr 是一个字符串,而您看到的是编码问题.您已经明确指定了 UTF-8 编码,所以这就是您得到的 - 但我怀疑这不是您真正想要的.

                My guess is that messageStr is a string, and you're seeing encoding issues. You've explicitly specified the UTF-8 encoding, so that's what you're getting - but I suspect it's not what you really want.

                您已经显示了 二进制 数据,因此我假设您实际上想要发送该二进制数据 - 在这种情况下,您应该使用 Write(byte[], int, int) 过载.

                You've shown binary data, so I assume you actually want to send exactly that binary data - in which case you should use the Write(byte[], int, int) overload.

                如果您真的想要编写文本数据,您可能只需要选择正确的编码 - 但您需要向我们提供更多信息,以便我们帮助您做出正确的选择.

                If you really want to write text data, you probably just need to pick the right encoding - but you'll need to give us more information for us to help you make the right choice.




                Multicast delegate weird behavior in C#?(C# 中的多播委托奇怪行为?)
                Parameter count mismatch with Invoke?(参数计数与调用不匹配?)
                How to store delegates in a List(如何将代表存储在列表中)
                How delegates work (in the background)?(代表如何工作(在后台)?)
                C# Asynchronous call without EndInvoke?(没有 EndInvoke 的 C# 异步调用?)
                Delegate.CreateDelegate() and generics: Error binding to target method(Delegate.CreateDelegate() 和泛型:错误绑定到目标方法)
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