
Xamarin.Forms Page.DisplayAlert in Page.OnAppearing(Page.OnAppearing 中的 Xamarin.Forms Page.DisplayAlert)
Changing MainWindow background color WPF(更改 MainWindow 背景颜色 WPF)
Displaying Save File Dialog in Asp.net web page(在 Asp.net 网页中显示保存文件对话框)
OK-Cancel Dialog: handling the #39;Enter#39; key press(OK-Cancel Dialog:处理“Enter键按下)
Showing Modal Window while BackgroundWorker runs, without getting STA/MTA issue(在 BackgroundWorker 运行时显示模态窗口,而不会出现 STA/MTA 问题)
How to register message handler prior to ShowDialog() blocking call?(如何在 ShowDialog() 阻塞调用之前注册消息处理程序?)
DialogResult.OK on SaveFileDialog not work(SaveFileDialog 上的 DialogResult.OK 不起作用)
CommonOpenFileDialog cause Windows Form to shrink(CommonOpenFileDialog 导致 Windows 窗体缩小)
Adaptive Card response from a WaterfallStep Dialog MS Bot framework v4(来自 WaterfallStep Dialog MS Bot 框架 v4 的自适应卡片响应)
Can you access standard Windows strings like #39;Cancel#39;?(您可以访问标准的 Windows 字符串,如“取消吗?)
How to Draw Box,Rectangle in a C# Console application(如何在 C# 控制台应用程序中绘制方框、矩形)
quot;SelectFolderDialogquot; in .NET(“选择文件夹对话框在 .NET 中)