Serial Port ReadLine vs ReadExisting or how to read the data from serial port properly(Serial Port ReadLine vs ReadExisting 或如何正确地从串口读取数据)
Reading from the serial port in C#(从 C# 中的串行端口读取)
why is access to com port denied?(为什么访问com端口被拒绝?)
C# Async Serial Port Read(C# 异步串口读取)
How to display the data read in DataReceived event handler of serialport(如何显示在串口的 DataReceived 事件处理程序中读取的数据)
C# check if a COM (Serial) port is already open(C# 检查 COM(串行)端口是否已打开)
Detect serial port insertion/removal(检测串口插入/移除)
In C# how could I listen to a COM (Serial) Port that is already open?(在 C# 中,我如何监听已经打开的 COM(串行)端口?)
Force a COM port to close(强制关闭 COM 端口)
Parsing/formatting data from serial port - C#(从串口解析/格式化数据 - C#)
How to find available COM ports?(如何找到可用的 COM 端口?)
C# read only Serial port when data comes(数据到来时C#只读串口)