Implementing a timeout on a function returning a value(在返回值的函数上实现超时)
Finding information about all serial devices connected through USB in C#(在 C# 中查找有关通过 USB 连接的所有串行设备的信息)
Serial Port Polling and Data handling(串口轮询和数据处理)
Wait for response from the Serial Port and then send next data(等待串口的响应,然后发送下一个数据)
How to open a serial port by friendly name?(如何通过友好名称打开串口?)
C# GUI refresh and async serial port communication(C# GUI 刷新和异步串口通信)
quot;The semaphore timeout period has expiredquot; error for USB connection(“信号量超时期限已过;USB连接错误)
C# syntax to initialize custom class/objects through constructor params in array?(C# 语法通过数组中的构造函数参数初始化自定义类/对象?)
Difference initializing static variable inline or in static constructor in C#(在 C# 中内联或在静态构造函数中初始化静态变量的区别)
Initialize a byte array to a certain value, other than the default null?(将字节数组初始化为某个值,而不是默认的null?)
C# Variable Initialization Question(C# 变量初始化问题)
Why do I have to assign a value to an int in C# when defaults to 0?(为什么我必须在默认为 0 时为 C# 中的 int 赋值?)