数据库 - 如何在 TSQL (SQL Server 2008) 中创建区域

Database - how to create regions in TSQL (SQL Server 2008)(数据库 - 如何在 TSQL (SQL Server 2008) 中创建区域)
本文介绍了数据库 - 如何在 TSQL (SQL Server 2008) 中创建区域的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


有没有办法像我们在 VS 中创建的那样在 SQL 脚本文件中创建可折叠区域#region ..... #endregion ?

Is there a way to create collapsable regions in the SQL script file like we create in VS using #region ..... #endregion ?


脚本文件包含 DDL 语句,例如 Alter Table 和 Alter View 等,我想将它们分组到表相关语句"查看相关语句"等区域中.

Script file contains DDL statements like Alter Table and Alter View etc. and i want to group them in regions like "Table Related Statements" "View Related Statements" etc.


是的,使用 SSMS 工具包


区域的行为方式与 Visual Studio 中的相同.您可以折叠它们并展开它们.调试部分是在您将脚本更改为发布配置时获得注释的部分.调试部分也是一个可折叠区域.如果在调试模式下部署脚本并添加调试部分,则在未安装 SSMS 工具包的情况下从 SSMS 运行时,脚本将失败.您当然可以通过简单地搜索调试部分的开始和结束文本来自己评论这些部分

Regions behave in the same way as in Visual Studio. You can collapse them and expand them. Debug sections are sections that get commented when you change your script to Release configuration. A debug section is also a collapsable region. If you deploy a script in debug mode with added debug sections it will fail when run from SSMS without SSMS Tools Pack installed. You can of course comment those sections yourself by simply searching for start and end text of the debug sections

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