
Add a default constraint to an existing field with values(向具有值的现有字段添加默认约束)


我正在尝试使用以下 T-SQL 向 SQL Server 中的现有字段添加默认约束:

I'm trying to add a default constraint to an existing field in SQL Server using the following T-SQL:

alter table Extra 添加约束 DF_Extra_ExternalRef DEFAULT ('*') for带值的外部引用

alter table Extra add constraint DF_Extra_ExternalRef DEFAULT ('*') for ExternalRef with values


This adds the default constraint but fails to update existing records with null values.

我使用的是 SQL Server 2005.

I'm using SQL Server 2005.


我只见过 WITH VALUES 在添加新列时使用这种方式(这是 所有记录).如果您要向现有列添加约束,我认为 WITH VALUES 是无操作的.因此:

I've only ever seen WITH VALUES used this way when adding a new column (and this is all that is documented). If you're adding a constraint to an existing column, I think WITH VALUES is a no-op. Therefore:

ALTER TABLE dbo.Extra ADD CONSTRAINT DF_Extra_ExternalRef 
  DEFAULT ('*') FOR ExternalRef;

UPDATE dbo.Extra SET ExternalRef = '*' WHERE ExternalRef IS NULL;




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