I have two tables: Standards and Service Offerings. A Standard can have multiple Service Offerings. Each Standard can have a different number of Service Offerings associated to it.
What I need to be able to do is write a view that will return some common data and then list the service offerings on one line. For example:
我不知道如何写这个.SO 列的数量设置为特定数量(在本例中为 21),因此我们不能超过该数量.
I have no idea how to write this. The number of SO columns is set to a specific number (21 in this case), so we cannot exceed past that.
Any ideas on how to approach this?
A place I started is below. It just returned multiple rows for each Service Offering, when they need to be on one row.
附加 SQL
这里是我拥有的 SQL,它返回我想要的所有内容,但由于有 11 个服务产品,将返回 11 行.我一直在尝试数据透视表,但似乎无法解决这个问题.有人可以帮忙提供代码示例吗?
So here is the SQL I have that returns everything that I want, but will return 11 rows due to there being 11 Service Offerings. I have been trying the pivot table and can't seem to figure it out with this. Can someone help with a code example?
由于数据库不假设 PIVOT 表(并且无法找出 XML 建议),我不得不执行一些棘手的 SQL 以使其工作.这是我使用的:
Since the database does not suppose PIVOT tables (and couldn't figure out the XML suggestion), I had to do a little tricky SQL to get it to work. Here is what I used:
您可以为此使用 PIVOT 功能.
You can use the PIVOT functionality for this.
查看 http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/SQLExamples/Wiki/View.aspx?title=PIVOTData
Check out http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/SQLExamples/Wiki/View.aspx?title=PIVOTData
您应该使用 FOR XML 和 SplitToColumns 的组合来代替 PIVOT.
Instead of PIVOT, you should use a combination of FOR XML and SplitToColumns.
并将您的产品转出到单列 在 Transact-SQL 中连接行值
and pivot out your Offerings to a single column Concatenating Row Values in Transact-SQL
然后使用 CTE 样式函数将单个单元格分解为列,如下所示 http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/CTE/67974/
Then use a CTE style function to break down a single cell into columns as shown here http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/CTE/67974/
This will give you a table pivotted out in the fashion that you need.
Then do arithmetic to get a count of non-null columns and you have the count you need at the end.