调试时如何不部署 SQL Server 数据库项目?

How do NOT deploy a SQL Server Database project when debugging?(调试时如何不部署 SQL Server 数据库项目?)
本文介绍了调试时如何不部署 SQL Server 数据库项目?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我将 Visual Studio 11 Beta 与 SQL Server 数据库项目和控制台应用项目一起使用.每次我按 F5 来调试我的控制台应用程序时,它都想部署数据库项目.有什么办法可以让它不这样做吗?我找不到任何设置来阻止它.

I'm using Visual Studio 11 Beta with a SQL Server Database project and a console app project. Every time I hit F5 to debug my console app, it wants to deploy the database project. Is there any way to keep it from doing that? I can't find any settings to prevent it.


这里的问题是当你说我想要构建和部署(按 F5 这样做是为了调试)你没有'实际上不希望数据库成为该部署的一部分.

The problem here is that when you say I want to build and deploy (hitting F5 does this in order to debug) you don't actually want the DB to be part of that deployment.

恐怕我没有 VS 11 Beta,但这是通过在 Build Configuration 中禁用项目的 Deploy 来实现的.

I'm afraid I don't have VS 11 Beta, but this is achieved by disabling the Deploy of the project in the Build Configuration.

下面是 VS 2010 的截图,希望你能找到等效的(抱歉,我找不到 2012 的 MS 文档).

Below is a screenshot from VS 2010, hopefully you can find an equivalent (sorry, I couldn't find the MS documentation for 2012).


Find the project you don't want to deploy, and uncheck the relevant check box under the Deploy column.

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